2 Chronicles 1 (January 1)

                                                          The Best Request

             “Give me now wisdom…”

            Solomon, son of King David and the new king of Israel had an opportunity unlike any other in the history of humanity:  God came to him and told him to ask for whatever he desired along with the promise that he would receive it.

            Imagine the privilege of receiving anything you want!

            Not even the legendary Aladdin could be compared to Solomon.  Aladdin and his magic lamp is just fantasy, but Solomon’s story is real, and his request was not granted by a genie, but by the Almighty God!

            What did King Solomon ask for?  Solomon pleaded for wisdom from above to govern his people and to judge with righteousness.  Wisdom is more valuable than all the intelligence and knowledge of this world.  Wisdom is a gift or ability given to us by God to use what we know in a holy and correct manner.

            Let us follow Solomon’s example this year.  God is saying to you today “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”  Will you ask for wisdom?  If you do, you will be asking the best request, for wisdom can make you victorious in all you do.

            James 1:5 encourages us to pray for wisdom.

             “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to   

           all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

           I don’t know about you, but I need wisdom every day. I need (and want) as much wisdom as Solomon had. I might not have a kingdom to rule over, but I have so many problems and challenges that I cannot function properly without it. Give me more wisdom, Lord.  

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