1 Samuel 7 (August 31)


            “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

            From time to time, it is good to come to a complete stop, to open our hearts and lift up our voices in thanksgiving to our God.  Our sinful nature tends to cloud our judgment and we are inclined to think negatively.  When we look at life through the eyes of the flesh, we cannot help but to see everything around us dark and gloomy.

            Many Christians can get depressed very easily, or fall prey to fear.  When we take our eyes off Jesus and look only at the negative circumstances; we are “painting” our blue skies with ominous dark clouds. 

            In those moments, we must reflect upon Jesus and everything we have received from him.  As we look back, we shall be able to clearly ascertain how the Lord has carried us thus far.

            To meditate on God’s greatness and count his blessings upon our lives is medicine to our wounded soul.  Our spirit will be renewed as we realize that we can surely trust in all of God’s promises.

            “Ebenezer.”  This is how the Hebrews in the Old Testament times expressed their appreciation to God, for his constant provision and protection up to that point in time.  God has done the same for you.  He has blessed you, sustained you and lifted you up with his renewing power.

            As we think on God’s tender and loving care for us, depression must give way to joy, and confusion is replaced by trust.  God has been more than faithful and all his promises will be fulfilled.


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