Exodus 28 (March 19)

                                                                            The Best Outfit

            “You shall make sacred vestments…”

            In the Old Testament Aaron and his descendants were consecrated as priests to minister to the Lord.  In the New Testament, all the believers are part of the “royal priesthood” (I Peter 2:9).

            God commissioned Moses to make sacred or holy vestments for his brother Aaron, the first high priest, and for his sons. These priestly garments were made of fine linen, purple, crimson, gold and precious stones.

            Christians have none of these precious garments.  How could we be priests of God then?  The answer lies in the fact that our garments are invisible to the human eye.  We are dressed with spiritual clothes. 

            The believer’s undergarments are holiness and righteousness.  Right on top of those we must: “Put on the whole armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:10). This armor is for our protection against the forces of evil. The last article of clothing is love for “perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18).

            Sometimes we sin and stain our “garments”.  When that happens, we need to follow the following formula:

  1. Put off sin immediately.
  2. Find cleansing through confession.
  3. Put on the armor of God.
  4. Be filled with the Spirit

             Are you dressed like a priest today?    

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