Genesis 28 (January 28)

                                                               More than a Mother

            “If God will be with me…”

            I have not met with a child yet who says no to candy.  They may refuse cookies or chocolates, but candies, no way!  In the same manner, I haven’t seen a Christian that does not desire God’s blessings upon his life.  Jacob, running for his life, was in need of God’s protection and provision.  We need God as much or more than Jacob.

            “Know that I am with you…”

            This is the divine answer for all of our needs.  Even before we ask God to help us, He is already with us like a tender shepherd. In fact, he is the Good Shepherd that leads, feeds and protects us. Jesus promised:  “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

            Jesus is with us; in fact he will never leave us.  In our trials and tribulations, he is there; in the days of gladness and joy, he is there; and when the storms brings sorrow and dark clouds cover our sunny skies, Jesus will be there.  His presence will comfort us and his love will give us new strength to carry on.

            “I will not leave you…”

            Jesus is with us and in us forever.  His presence is permanent; he is faithful to the end.  His name is “Immanuel”, which means that God is always with us. (Matthew 1:23). Everyone may forget about us, even our own mothers, but Jesus will never abandon us, not even for a second.  If today you are feeling that nobody (even God), cares about you, remember that this is just a feeling, not the reality.  It is possible to be forgotten and rejected even by the people of God, but to say that God will leave us, it’s just impossible.

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