We Can Do It (Numbers 13)

            “We are not able to go against these people…”

            Moses cried out to God when his burden became greater than his strength.  He couldn’t do it alone and consequently reached out to the Lord for divine assistance.  This was the cry of a man of faith who was at the end of his rope.

            Nevertheless there is a great difference between Moses and his “I am not able…” and the incredulous complaint of the people: 

           “We are not able to go against these people.”   

            Moses was asking for help to do his work; the people were declaring their open unbelief of God’s power.

            When a Christian says “I Can’t” he is expressing himself as an unbeliever.  The Bible says that: “I can do all things through Him (Christ) that strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13).  In other words, power comes from God.  When we are unable to carry on, God will carry us in the wings of the Holy Spirit.  He will help us finish the race.

            Moses learned this lesson at the beginning of his ministry, when he ran out of excuses.  He learned that God’s power can overrule any deficiency or adversity.  He learned to come to God for help. 

            Moses told God; I can’t, but you can help me.  The Israelites said something like: “We are not able and we won’t do it.”  

            Are you weak today?  Do you feel that you are unable to go on? Cry to God with all of your heart and he will answer.  Never tell him that you “can’t” unless you are pleading for divine intervention.

            A. G.

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