To Sin or to Sing (Exodus 15)  

            “Then Moses and the Israelites sang…”

            God made the impossible to be possible.  He divided the waters of the Red Sea and “turned the sea into dry land…” (v.21). Dry land! Can you fathom the greatness of this miracle?  Not only were the waters divided, (an incredible feat on his own), but the land was dry.  No mud, no marshy ground, just plain, ordinary dry land.

            The Hebrews walked all the way to freedom on dry land, while the Egyptian army was being swallowed by the receding waters.  No wonder they lifted up their voices in songs of praise.  They were praising the God who had rescued them.

            Singing is an integral part of the Christian life.  It matters not, if when we sing everyone is suddenly filled with an anxiety attack.  Sing my brother, sing my sister, because we are singing unto the Lord of our salvation.

            Sing to our God, he is our strength; sing to the Lord of eternity and praise his name! Singing to the Lord is worship to the rhythm of music. The songs of praise flow from hearts that are full of adoration for our eternal Savior.

            Let us learn to close our mouths when we are being tempted to complain.  Instead, let us sing, sing like the birds who praise God every morning for his daily provision (Matthew 6:26).

            The Christian who sings has no time for sin. Try it and you will see! When temptation knocks on the door of your heart, shun it with a song of praise to Jesus. The devil will flee from you and any temptation will be repelled by the power of praise. You see, praise is not only an expression of worship, but it is a mighty weapon against sin too.

             A. G.

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