Nehemiah 7 (February 22)

                                                                     Doors of Joy

            “The gates of Jerusalem are not to be opened…”

            The city of Jerusalem is not only beautiful, but also very special.  Its ancient doors are still open, welcoming hundreds of tourists, merchants, residents and Gentiles to this historic and “sacred” city.                         

            Jesus came in through one of those doors on “Palm Sunday.” It was a glorious day of celebration, as multitudes praised Him as their King. This celebration was short-lived, because just a few days later He also walked out through one of those doors, to be crucified as if he were a criminal.

            Among all the gates of Jerusalem, there still remains a door or gate that is closed in the wall of Jerusalem. These are known as the “Golden Gates,” located directly in front of the old temple.  It was closed by an Arab governor or sultan, but it will open one day to receive the great KING of kings on his return.

            The main doors to Jerusalem are a symbol of Christ, in the sense that he is the way to heaven.   One day, the gates of heaven will close, just as the door of Noah’s ark was closed and the unbelieving world perished.  God will close heaven’s doors to all the unbelievers, and who will be able open them?

            May the Lord our God be glorified for all eternity, because those glorious doors are still open wide. Heaven is open for all his children to enter through them.

            Do you have the key to the Doors of Joy?

            This key has name: Faith. Faith in Christ is the only key that will open the eternal gates of glory. He who believes in Jesus will enter through these gates and find eternal joy.

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