(2 Kings 25) (December 4)

                                 The King’s Table                                                                                                                                                 

            “…a portion everyday…”

            Jehoiachin, the king of Judah, was taken captive to Babylonia by the famous king Nebuchadnezzar, when he was only twenty-six years old.  His captivity and imprisonment lasted more than thirty-seven long years.

            But one day the Babylonian king died and a new monarch appeared on the scene:  Evil-Merodach.  Contrary to his name, he was not as “evil” as the previous kings, because he freed Jehoiachin and “spoke kindly to him.”  Evil-merodach forgave all the debts and charges against him, changed Jehoiachin’s garments and gave him a seat at his table for the rest of his life.

            Isn’t this what Jesus has done for us?

            Christ delivered us from the prison of sin when he defeated the prince of darkness.  He died on the cross to pay the penalty of our transgressions. He forgave all of our sins. He gave us clean garments of righteousness and holiness and He speaks words of love and life unto us every day.

            God’s words are also our spiritual nourishment.  Just like Jehoiachin, we must decide to participate in God’s banquet.  The King’s table is served and we are free to approach it and fill our spirits with his divine food.

            Are you hungry for God and his Word?  I salute you, if you have been faithful in reading the Bible this year.  I encourage to keep pressing on and continue in this spiritual adventure for the next two years and beyond; for there will always be food at the King’s table.

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