2 Samuel 4 (September 28)

                                                        Lessons from a Little Girl

            “…had a son who was crippled”

            There was a little girl in our church who made a profound impression on us all.  She sang in the children’s choir every Sunday and participated in almost every church activity, including Sunday school, field trips and retreats.  She was truly an exceptional little girl!

            What is so exceptional or sensational about that?

            What was it that made her stand out among all the other children and youth from our church?

            The marvel of it all is the fact that this girl was crippled from the waist down.  In spite of her obvious disability, she participated in all the church functions and never missed a church service.  But, what was even more striking was to hear her laugh out loud.  She had a contagious optimism (I wish I was like her!) and a winning personality—including a knockout smile.

            This precious child teaches us with her example, that disability is not the same as futility; that paralysis of the body does not equal a crippling of our spirit.  On the other hand, we find that many strong and healthy Christians are not half as dedicated as this little girl.

            I am sure that no one would enjoy having a disabled child, especially since the world catalogs disability as a disgrace.  This little girl proves the contrary.  She has triumphed over all her physical “handicaps.”  Don’t you agree that we can do the same with all of our spiritual problems?

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