2 Samuel 3 (September 27)

                                                                       Eternally Popular

            “…everything the king did please all the people.”

            Only a few kings or leaders have attained the same degree of popularity enjoyed by King David.  The great majority of monarchs have been cruel and wicked, and some of them have become very famous for their inhumane and barbaric acts.

            David was popular with the people not only because he was a shrewd politician, but mainly because he walked with his God.  David was a God seeker, who delighted himself in doing God’s will.  We can affirm with a high degree of certainty, that he was guided by the Holy Spirit in almost every situation.

            Jesus, our King, is infinitely superior to David.  Everything he does (or allows to happen) for us, should be pleasing to us.  I say this because everything he does is good, and for our good.  This concept is very difficult to grasp, especially when we are surrounded by problems and difficult situations.

            If we are honest and study the Scriptures, we shall find out that Jesus is always there for us.  We must be grateful to God in every circumstance, as we experience his glorious and warm embrace.

            I thank you Lord every day

            Forever I praise your name

            I will never comprehend

            Why you do great things for me

            But today and forevermore…     

            My heart sings praises to Thee

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