2 Samuel 2 (September 26)

                                                                          Break of Day

            Joab and his men marched all night…”

             The night is the queen of darkness and a symbol of the spiritual blindness and wickedness of this world. This society in which we live is dominated in great part by the power of darkness and evil. Jesus is the “Light of the world” (John 8:12), but mankind hates this light. In John 3:19 we read:

             “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were (and still are) evil.”

            Even though the children of God are not of this world, this is our temporary dwelling place. Our pilgrimage across this “lost paradise” is perilous and full of fiery trials.

            Nevertheless, if we walk in the Light (we are children of Light), we shall never stumble and fall. The Lord and his Word illuminate our path every day.

            “…and the day broke upon them at Hebron…”

            Hebron was a city of refuge. As such, it typifies heaven, our eternal refuge and sublime home. One day, we shall enter into the celestial kingdom, and there we shall wake up in God’s glorious presence. Darkness will disappear and even the sun will become obsolete, for Jesus himself will be our eternal light as his glory shines for all eternity.

            Therefore my brothers and sisters keep walking with the Lord amid intense darkness. He is our Light and he will disperse the shadow of fear and doubt as we follow him. Furthermore, the eternal break of day is coming soon.

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