1 Samuel 18 (September 11)

                                                               Fear This

            “David went out and was successful…”

            Young, courageous and wise beyond his years, David was a good example of a man that was faithful to God since his youth.  He learned to conduct himself every day with godly wisdom and reverence in the presence of a jealous king (Saul) who hated him unto death.

            David stood firm in his faith and trust in the Lord, during those hours of suffering and incredible pressure. He learned to walk by faith amid intense and undeserved persecution. His hope and trust was entirely in the Lord, who gave him strength to endure and overcome. David was a “tough cookie” in every sense of the word.

            It is very difficult to conduct ourselves with godliness and wisdom all the time—especially if we are surrounded by enemies.  Nevertheless a faithful testimony, is perhaps the only way to make Jesus attractive unto others (without words), and to defeat all our detractors.

            Saul feared David, not because of his physical strength, fame or military prowess.  Saul was afraid of David for the simple reason that David was a pious man. The world is terrified of true and holy believers. This was true of David. Saul was afraid of him because of his godly lifestyle and because God was with him.

            How godly is your testimony today? Do people around you respect you because of your commitment to the Lord? Are you inspiring a holy fear on your enemies? The more transparent your testimony is, the brighter the light of Jesus will shine in you and through you.

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