Going Places (Leviticus 26)

            “…and made you walk erect.”

            If someone would ask us about our past, most of us would probably hide our faces in fear and shame.  Our past is probably filled with sinful acts and evil thoughts.  To retrace our steps and relive it again…well is just too painful.

            Positive attitude books attempt to make us cheerful and always positive “winners.”  They advise the reader to smile and to walk erect; to give the impression that we are “going places.”

            Christians must not follow this humanistic approach to success, for we really have a purpose for living.  Jesus forgave all of our past and lifted us from our shameful bondage.  He has also lifted up our faces and made us walk erect, that is without guilt or shame.

            Paul said:  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel.” (Romans 1:16).  There is no reason for a Christian to feel shame about his/her past and even less about Christ.  Yes, there will be those who will mock and ridicule your faith, but that is perhaps all they can do against us.  We are citizens of Heaven, children of the King and ambassadors of the Living God.

            What can ridicule, poverty, tests and a shameful past do to us?

            They can do absolutely nothing.  Jesus has made us walk erect and upright because we are really going places: To a wonderful place called heaven.  Do not let your past rob your joy and victory in Jesus.  There is no one in this world more successful than a Christian, because God has given us a brand new start and the brightest future.

             A. G.

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