“…ran again to the well…”
A successful Christian is one who “sticks” to the basics of Christianity. What steps must we follow to become victorious believers? What I am about to tell you is so simple. It is basic. The first step is the faithful study of God’s Word. In the beginning, you will be content if you at least read the Bible; but as you grow and mature as a Christian, you must go deeper and deeper into the Word.
If you study of the Bible is limited to casual reading and listening to Sunday morning’s sermon, then do not be alarmed if your spirit is weak and your faith is small. Drawing “living water” from the Bible requires at least two things: deep thirst—“She went down to the springs;” and perseverance—“she…ran again…”
“Before she had finished speaking…”
The second vital activity is prayer. God always answers our prayers, even though the “answer” may not be what we anticipated or prayed for in the first place. Nevertheless, there are occasions when God surprises us by answering while we are still praying. A successful Christian prays to God every day regardless of the nature of the answer.
“I will not eat until I have told my errand.”
The victorious believer takes time and effort to communicate God’s message to the lost world. This is the logical outgrowth of Bible study and prayer. We have tasted the living water; now let’s tell others about it. These are the basics of Christianity.
A. G.