
                I work in a public school. It can be a challenge sometimes, but when we work unto the Lord (Ephesians 6:7), our jobs can be rewarding as they turn into ministry opportunities.

                In our school there are many clubs, sports and other extracurricular activities. There are also many academic branches (Math, English, Science, Spanish, etc.) and some specialized programs such as ELL, Migrant and ESE.

                ESE (Exceptional Student Education) is a large department in our campus, which deals with hundreds of students. Some ESE teachers visit the classrooms to support the students, while others remain in the same classroom all day. This latter one is known as “Inclusion.”

                As I reflect on this, I am reminded that I belong to the heavenly “Inclusion” program of salvation. For some unknown reason, God decided to include me in the ranks of those redeemed by his blood.

                This is nothing but pure, unmerited and undeserved grace. I was an evil sinner; an atheist that despised Christ and the church and yet, He chose to save me and include me in His eternal family.

                The Bible says that we are,

                “…accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6).

                When a person believes in Christ, he or she “receives” Him (John 1:12) as Lord and Savior. We have no other choice or option, because Jesus is the only way to heaven (John 14:6).

                Jesus, on the other hand, has the ability to choose and accept those whom He wants to save. He doesn’t need to receive anything; he doesn’t need to save anyone, in fact He doesn’t need anything or anyone.

                And yet, He chose me “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4) to be his son. This is the best inclusion ever! The Creator of the universe included me in His family; I am the child of the King of kings!

                My aim then should be to include God in my life and (as some say) “give Him the control” of my heart. As nice and sweet as that sounds, it is simply unbiblical. We can’t give God any control, (He is already in total control). We however can and must submit to Him in humble obedience.

                And as far as including God in our lives, the answer once again is to surrender and submit to his will. The more we immerse ourselves in Christ, the more we will be “included” in his plans; and the more that we die to sin and the flesh, the more that the life of Christ will be manifested in and through us.

               A. G.

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