Clean Hands

                The signs are everywhere: You can see them in restaurants, in doctor’s offices and in most places with public bathrooms.

                “Employees must wash their hands before returning to work”

                I have come to appreciate the message in those signs. I always find a measure of comfort when I imagine that my server (and cook) in the restaurant have taken the time to wash and scrub their hands before they handle my food.

                Having clean hands is very important in most professions, especially in healthcare and in the food industry. On the other hand, I wouldn’t take my car to a mechanic with immaculate and pristine hands.

                Christians must always have clean hands. I am not referring primarily to the vital need for daily personal hygiene; although I believe that the followers of Christ must be the cleanest people in the planet.

              Having clean hands means that we are living a holy life. Clean hands symbolize a good reputation, a good testimony and a person that is engage in good works.

              Clean hands also represent a Christian that has placed all his burdens in Jesus (Matthew 11 28) and draws closer to his God (James 4:8). The Bible declares that clean hands are absolutely necessary for true worship.

               “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?
                He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
                Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness                                          from the God of his salvation.”
(Psalm 24: 3-4)

                Clean hands, therefore, are holy hands. A believer that has clean hands is one that has a pure heart, a renewed mind and a transformed life by the power of Jesus.

                Lord, please help us to have clean hands so we can raise them up to you in praise and prayer!

                “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath                                      and doubting;” (I Timothy 2:8).

                Are your hands clean? 

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