Isaiah 26       (September 3)

                                 Holy Mind, Peaceful Mind    

           “Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace –“

           Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. He has the ability to grant peace to all the people in the universe, but not everyone are recipients of this blessed peace.

           Who are those that are kept in complete peace? According to this passage, only those that persevere in pleasing God are kept in perfect peace. In other words, peace is only reserved for faithful and obedient believers.

           The human mind has great wings and enjoys flying all over the place.   It has been considered that the mind (or our thoughts) is four times faster than the spoken word. This is what happens so often, as we listen to a preacher. Our minds wonder from one place to the other without rest. We think about our problems, sports, food, work and many other things, except of course, about the sermon.

           However, thoughts can be “tamed” and put under servitude. How can we accomplish this? We can control our thoughts by persevering in Christ at every moment. Our minds can be disciplined by:

           I. Avoiding the planting and growth of the seed of temptation.

          II. Concentrating only in good and godly thoughts, while rejecting evil ones.

          III. Persevering in Christ that is, making an effort to setting our thoughts “on things above.” (Colossians 3:1)

          He who does these things will have peace. His mind will not be invaded by temptation, or fly in an atmosphere of anxiety. The person, who thinks of Christ, does not have time for fear; he only has room for peace.

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