Song of Solomon 1, 2     (August 4)

                                                Many Reasons

            “…rightly do they love you”

            John F. Kennedy, president of the United States, was killed in the beginning of the 1960’s, or more precisely, on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. Most US citizens at that time loved Kennedy, and many cried over his death. The international commotion was great and the investigations lasted a long time. Even in our time the Kennedy assassination and his mysterious death, is still the subject of conspiracy theories and popular movies. The two most recent are “JFK” and “Thirteen Days.”

            If the people of North American had a reason to love President Kennedy, and if the Roman Catholics think that they have a reason to love their Pope, how much more reason do we have to love our Lord Jesus Christ?

He created us.

He chose us before the foundation of the world

He died on the cross as our Substitute

He saved us from everlasting damnation.

He protects us and provides for our needs.

He heals our sicknesses and comforts our soul

He intercedes for us before the throne of God

He hears and answers our prayers

He is coming soon to take us home.

For all these reasons and more, we love our Lord, but the greatest reason of all is that He loved us first.

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