Ecclesiastes 12     (August 3)

                                                 Too Late

            “Remember your Creator…”

            John was a poor boy, but very sociable. Every day he would go out with his friends from the neighborhood to play or walk with them.

             But one day John became an anti-social. He received a healthy inheritance from a distant uncle who was a millionaire. From that moment on “Mister” John refused to interact with the simple common folks from his town.

             Something similar happens sometimes with some Christians. Jesus saved us and takes care of us, however, we forget about Him frequently. We also tend to forget from where we came from (the road to hell) and how Jesus saved us. We forget that we are imperfect saints or sinners saved by grace.

             Each Christian is accountable to God for his actions. We need to remember in first place, that God is our Creator, Savior and Lord. Secondly, we must remember that Christians are children of God and must act like such.

             “… in the days of your youth…”

              God wants us to live for him, while we are still young, strong and healthy. Many want to remember God in their deathbed, when it is already too late to recover all the time that was lost. Today is the best time to remember that God is ours and we are His. Today—while we are young—let us love and serve Christ.

              Tomorrow might not arrive, and if it arrives, it may find us old, sad and sick. At that time, many will want to serve the Lord, but will not be able.

               Remember your Creator today, and live for Him.

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