Psalms 140-142     (June 20)

                                                       Destructive Talents

            “Let the righteous strike me…”

            On a “talent night,” a bashful and timid young girl played the saxophone for her youth group. When she was in the middle of the song, she made a small mistake in one of the notes; however, she courageously completed the musical piece.

            There were some in the audience who made fun of her. Their sarcastic looks were the worse punishment she could have received. But none of these teasers and critics participated in the talent show, well; they did participate using their “talents” of destruction.

            Unfortunately critics are more abundant, than encouragers and supporters. It is easier to criticize, than to collaborate; it is easier to judge, than to join and support. Our fingers were not created by God, for us to point at other people; they were given to us to serve the Lord and to carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters.

            The Holy Spirit does not need “assistants.” He knows very well how to convince us of our “sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). The Spirit of God seeks for servants that are willing to do Christ’s will.

            Does this mean that we should not criticize, or be criticized? Not by any means! However, expressions of affection and encouragement should be more abundant than fault-finding endeavors. Criticism should be uplifting and constructive, and within the context of love and truth.

            You know when a criticism is constructive: It hurts, but it is helpful and it proceeds from the lips of a friend that wants us to do well and improve

            Be very careful with some “talents” that do not come from God.

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