Psalms 14-16     (April 23)


            “Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God’.”

            In the 1960s a humanist theological movement arose and it was called the “God is dead theology.” Theologians of international reputation reached the conclusion that God had died. One of them, Thomas J.J. Altizer, proposed the idea of a God that had merged so much with his creation that He ceased to be God.

            This liberal movement “coincided” with the appearance of rock & roll music, the women’s liberation movement, the sexual revolution and among many other things, the foundation of the satanic church and a myriad of strange cults and weird religious sects. Popular songs and movies of that time proclaimed loud and clear: “God is dead, Satan lives!” The singer Paul McCartney, of the group The Beatles, claimed on national television:

             “We are more famous than Jesus Christ.”

            The Bible says that all those that think that God does not exist, or that our eternal Creator is dead are fools. When anyone rejects God, he or she is rejecting the only source of eternal life. Only fools can believe that their incredulity is correct, and that God is only a myth. Only fools can reject the universal evidence of God’s existence in his creation, in human conscience, in miracles and most importantly in his Word.

            Unfortunately, more often than we care to admit, Christians also act foolishly. When we do not believe in the Bible; when we doubt the divine promises; when we fall into sin and when we act independent of our Lord, we are being foolish.                                                                   

             Lord, forgive us when we are foolish, and make us wise children. Help us with our unbelief and remove all the doubts.

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