2 Chronicles 30 (January 30)

                                                                A Fistful of Men

            “Only a few…humbled themselves…”

            In 1990, in the state of Colorado, a national movement was born.  This organization became known as the “Promise Keepers.” The founder was Bill McCartney, the coach of the University of Colorado football program.

            This Christian movement geared for men of every race, began with a small group of seventy two men.  By 1994, however, there were more than 300,000 promise keepers across the nation; and just a few years later they passed the one millionth mark.  All of this came as a result of God’s blessings upon a few dedicated men.

            God does not need many men or women to win a war.  He is looking, just like the Marines, for a “few good men.”  With three hundred men Gideon won a war; and with only twelve apostles, Jesus started his universal church.

            Perhaps you are thinking that you are not an apostle, or that you are not prepared to make a positive impact in the world.  You feel alone and discouraged, as you see how the world rejects Christ and drowns in sin.

            Jesus is not asking how much do you know, but if you are ready and willing to serve him today.  If Christ was able to use a Peter that denied Him three times; a David that committed grave crimes; a Paul that persecuted his church and a host of feeble and imperfect men and women, how much more can he do through you and I, if we totally consecrate ourselves to the cause of Christ.

            The question is:  Are you willing to be humble yourself in order for God to use you? I pray that some of us can be humble enough to serve our God and honor Him.

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