2 Chronicles 17 (January 17)

                                                              Complete Offering

            “…a volunteer for the service of the Lord”

            My sons have learned a very important principle in their lives:  They have learned to do things voluntarily and willingly.

            If I tell them to do something and they do it, they have done what they’re supposed to do.  Now if they help clean, or fix something around the house without me telling them anything, then they earn extra points and the admiration of their parents. If, on the other hand, they complete any chore expecting rewards, the opposite happens: While we might be happy that the chores are done, we are sad that they were done expecting something in return.

            God too, is pleased when His children obey Him voluntarily and joyfully.  Anything done by force, by obligation, or for any other reason than to please God, does not mean as much, as those things done from the heart and for the Lord.

            He, who has offered himself to God, has offered the best that a human being could offer to the Most High. A heart totally dedicated to God will rejoice in serving the Lord at all times, even if there are no rewards, or if the “rewards” are persecutions and sufferings.

            How often have we seen those who offer God their money, their time, their talents, but never their hearts?  Many involve themselves in all sorts of Christian activities, but fail to offer themselves to Christ.

            TOTAL SURRENDER is the key!  This is what the Christians in Macedonia did.  They first offer themselves to God and with themselves, everything else.  Perhaps today will be the day in which you offer yourself totally to God.                                                           

            Don’t give it a second thought, do it today!

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