2 Samuel 22 (October 16)

                                                                 Price and Prize

            “…you make my assailants sink under me…”

            Humility is a godly attitude every Christian should desire and practice. On the other hand, to be humiliated and rejected is highly undesirable, even to the most spiritual believer. The difference resides in the fact that humility is a virtue, while humiliation is a great wickedness.

            While it is true that God can use any method or circumstance to humble us; even allowing some people to humiliate us for a season, the fact is that humiliation by itself is a horrible sin (if we practice it) and a terrible irritation (if we are on the receiving end).

            The aforementioned promise from God infuses our spirits with supernatural strength. Knowing that God “has our backs” as some say, gives us hope to face another day in the presence of our enemies. Our Lord will eternally penalize those who have humiliated and mistreated us.

            But until the “Day of revenge” arrives, we cry unto God asking when he will avenge us from our enemies. We know that he will certainly do it—God keeps all his promises—but some of us are impatient and want to hasten God’s timetable.

           Our anxiety grows as we notice the prosperity of our tormentors. They rejoice in their wickedness and receive no retribution for their sins. Let them “enjoy” their temporary happiness; it will soon vanish and melt in a lake of fire.

            God’s promise is sure, and one day we shall be witnesses of his final victory over all his enemies. Knowing all this, we can joyfully pay the price of humiliation, because one day we shall receive the prize of our everlasting coronation.

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