Deuteronomy 18 (June 20)

                                                                           The Raised One

            “I will raise up for them a prophet…”

            The word “raise” has many different meanings.  To a mother, it means the daily struggle to rise up from bed and tend to her family, as she works hard to raise her children.  To a body builder, it is to be able to lift those heavy weights every time.  To a thief, it’s the ability to make wallets disappear from our pockets; and to workers, a raise means more money in that same pocket.

            Nevertheless in the Bible, the word raise signifies a rescue, or a resurrection; or perhaps a willing disposition to obey God, as we get up and follow Christ.  It also denotes a position of honor for those who follow Jesus.  And speaking of Jesus, the following list will attempt to depict how many times Jesus was “raised.”

Raised from humanity.  Jesus came into this world and was born from a virgin

Raised as a Prophet.  He is the prototype and ultimate prophet.  His word is true.

Raised on a cross.  He died there for our sins

Raised from the dead.  Glory to God! Jesus resurrected on the third day.

Raised on a cloud.  He ascended into heaven.

Raised up on High.  Christ was glorified once again and is seated at the Father’s 

Raised up as King of kings.  Everyone shall bow as the King returns to establish his kingdom.  We will then worship Jesus, the “Raised One.”

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