No Escape (Numbers 32)


“…and be sure your sin will find you out.”

Sin is like our own shadow; we cannot escape from its ominous presence.  We can attempt to hide our sin, and we can try to run from it, but to no avail.  Unconfessed and unforgiven sin will always find us.

A few years ago, they discovered an aged Nazi leader living (or hiding) in South America.  Some of these mass murderers migrated to Brazil, Argentina and some other countries after the war, and remained there for many years.  But their “safety net” was eventually broken, and one by one all of them were arrested and prosecuted.  Their sin found them out.

Brothers and sisters let me ask you today: If these Nazi leaders did not escape human justice after such a long time, how can anyone expect to bypass the divine judgment?

Being a Christian does not give us a license to sin.  When we sin, we can expect to suffer the terrible consequences of our deeds.  Although we cannot lose our salvation, sin always comes with a hefty price tag.

How can we explain this apparent dilemma?  It is easier than it seems.  For example, Christians will never die (spiritually), but they shall experience physical death.  This is a direct result of sin.  The rebellion of Adam found us and brought terrible results.

I will like to close this essay with good news.  One day, our sins will be unable to find us anymore.  We will enter through the gates of glory, but sin cannot follow us into heaven.  We will be free from its evil shadow forever.

A. G.

       Mighty Fortress (Numbers 31)


“…and not one of us is missing.”

A mighty fortress is our God!  This is not only the title of Luther’s classical hymn, but it’s also a great biblical truth. God is the eternal fortress where all his children find refuge.

When Martin Luther was being persecuted for his new found faith in Christ; when he was surrounded by demons; and when almost everyone was searching for him to destroy his testimony, he found refuge, protection and strength in the Lord Jesus.

God is our Defender and Protector.  His providence is a work of art, and works infinitely much better than a Swiss clock.  In John 10:28, 29 the Bible says that we are in the hands of God.  God’s power keeps us from evil and angels surround those who fear the Lord.  The lesson here is simple; the closer we are to God, the more protection we’ll receive from Him.

This is what happened to Israel in their battle against Midian.  Twelve thousand chosen men went to war, and exactly twelve thousand returned home alive and probably unharmed.  Not one was missing!  Oh, the wonder of God’s immeasurable power!

God protected them, as they were carrying out his will.  Are you doing God’s will in everything? As we work for the Lord, we can expect his mighty hand to guide us, and to keep us from harm.  You may ask, but what about those servants of the Lord that have died while they were serving Jesus?  My only response is that God protected them until death, and then he took them to glory with him forever.

Do you have any other questions?

A. G.

False Promises (Numbers 30)

                                                                     False Promises

            “…he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.”

            “Peter, do you take Irene as your beloved wife, until death brings you apart?”

            The pastor asked the groom.

            “I do!” 

            Peter replied

            “Do you promise to care for her, and love her in sickness and in health?”

            “I promise.”

            In the 1970’s, an Italian song called “Parole” became very popular in Europe.  This song was a witty dialogue between a couple, in which the man would promise love and she would respond “Parole” (“just words!”).  He would continue with a plethora of empty promises, to which the woman just answered “Parole, parole.”

            Christians should be very careful with every word that comes out of our mouths.  This includes insults, lies, empty words, and false promises. We must mean what we say and say what we mean; but above all, we must always speak the truth.

            God listens to our promises and takes them seriously.  It is preferable to think a bit more before we promise; it is better not to promise anything to God, than to promise and not fulfill or keep our word.

            Let us not follow the bad example of many who say “I do” and then change their minds and say “I won’t!”  One of every two marriages ends up in divorce. It is sad to see so many broken promises!

            Decide to be a promise keeper today.

Spiritual Affliction (Numbers 29)

Spiritual Affliction

            “…and deny yourselves”

There are far too many religions, cults, and sects in our world today.  Most of these religious organizations demand great sacrifices from their followers or disciples.  These false disciples are seen almost everywhere, either riding their bicycles or selling their literature door to door.  They work tirelessly for their salvation by submitting to compulsory attendance, “evangelism” and giving.

In many of these religions we can observe how they use physical suffering or sacrifice, to obtain merits.  Some whip themselves; others cut their own bodies.  In Cuba, for example, people walk for miles on their knees to visit the shrine of “Saint” Lazarus; and we are not counting the hundreds of monasteries and convents around the world!

The true Christian does not need to punish his body in this manner, for Christ already carried our sins, sickness and pains on the cross.  This is not to say, that the children of God shall not suffer persecution, or that our bodies may not be sacrificed for the Lord.

We will experience persecution, because this world rejects God and his children.  We must be willing to sacrifice even our life in Jesus name, but not to attain “merits” or eternal life.  We serve God sacrificially, because we are thankful for his great salvation.

There will be days when we need to afflict our souls and deny ourselves before God.  This is not the same procedure used by pagans.  They afflict their bodies with pain, hunger and endless sufferings, and for what end? We afflict our souls in true repentance, to receive God’s restoration to the joy of our salvation.

A. G.

Burned Lambs (Numbers 28)

            “This is the offering…daily…”

            The people of Israel were instructed by God to sacrifice two lambs daily.  The first lamb was burned in the morning, while the second one was sacrificed in the evening.  The holocaust was daily and permanent.  There were no “days off” or vacation for the sacrificial lambs.

            The believers must bring their sins daily to God’s altar to be burned and destroyed.  Offering our sins to be “sacrificed” is not an option, it’s a necessity.  Even though Jesus died for our sin, and has forgiven all our sins, we must confess daily our trespasses, and shortcomings to the Lord.

            Every morning, I shall bring my pride before God to be burned and removed from my life.  Every evening, I will present my mind unto the Lord, and he will purify it with his holy fire. Every day I will sacrifice my pride, my guilt, my shame and my sins and I will submit wholly to my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

            Which “lamb” do you need to bring before God today? I do not know your sins, but God and you are very much aware of it.  Do not allow sin to overpower and control your soul, and absolutely refuse the entrance to feelings of guilt and despair into your heart.

            Today, right now, you have the opportunity for bringing any sin or burden that is constantly afflicting your spirit, and ask God to burn it.  My advice is that you burn all of your sins daily; otherwise, sin will burn you.

            Better yet, offer yourself to God as a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1, 2) and He will take care of the rest.

            A. G.