Fire of God (Leviticus 6)


“…while the fire on the altar shall be kept burning.”

Fire is a wonderful and amazing thing.  It can be negative and deadly because it burns and destroys.  Fire is one of the most distinctive features of hell, and has burned or killed countless individuals.

On the other hand, fire can be very positive, even beneficial.  People have used fire through the ages to cook, to illuminate their homes and as a great source of heat.  Fire was also used in the altar of the tabernacle to burn the sacrifices to the Lord.

Furthermore there is a special “fire” that burns brightly in the heart of dedicated believers. This is what happened to the two disciples at Emmaus as they spent time with Jesus and listened to his words (Luke 24:32).  Unfortunately not all Christians know about this fire, and many do not even want to know it or experience it. Perhaps they are aware or afraid of the so-called “dangerous” consequences of being on fire for God.

This is the unique fire of revival that the Holy Spirit brings to open and willing hearts.   This fire prompts us to live by faith; to endure our tribulations; and most importantly, to share the Gospel.

This is the same kind of fire that Moses saw on the mountain (Exodus 3:2).  Its flames blaze in our hearts, but it does not consume us.  This fire inflames our soul with a passion to love God, our brethren and the lost world.

Finally this fire must burn continually in our hearts forever.  To accomplish this vital objective, we must feed this fire daily with “logs” of Bible study and with sacrifices of prayer and praise.

A. G.

Heavy Load (Leviticus 5)

 “…you are subject to punishment.”

There was a man who was walking down the road with an enormous burden upon his back.  A luxurious chariot that was passing by stopped and the owner, moved by compassion, invited the man to sit with him.

The man thanked him and sat next to him, but apparently forgot to take his load off.  The amazed owner asked him: “Why don’t you drop your burden on the floor?”

This strange event is repeated in the lives of many children of God.  We come to Jesus with repentance and he saves us, but we still carry many of our burdens.

It was Jesus the one who said:

Come to me, all of you that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).  Jesus came to save us from the wages, and from the weight of sin.

Sometimes we find ourselves carrying an extremely heavy burden.  Our souls cringe under the weight of “secret” sins, and the accumulation of problems and unmet needs.

The Israelites were under punishment until they would be able to offer a sacrifice for their sin.  Until that time arrived, they had to carry their burden of guilt.  What an awful condition in which to live!

What a blessing we have in Jesus!  He can take our burdens, forgive our sins and solve our problems.  He nailed our sins on the cross forever and his hands are free to carry your heavy load.  Give all your burdens to Jesus!

A. G.

Hard Work (Leviticus 4)

            “He shall bring…and lay his hands…slaughtered…and sprinkle…”

Sinning is very easy.  We only need to let ourselves be led astray by the passions of the flesh.  Temptation is also very appealing and brings with it the promise of temporary pleasure.  Therefore it’s not difficult to fall into sin.

To pay for sin however, is very difficult, better yet, it is impossible.  Let’s suppose for a moment, that you and I lived during Moses time, and we had to bring an offering to the tabernacle.

First of all, we had to travel to the tabernacle and bring one of our best animals to be sacrificed.  Then we had to place our hands on its head, while we confessed our sins.  After we finished doing that, we had to witness how our favorite animal was slaughtered before our very eyes.

But wait, there is more!  The priest would then dip his finger in the fresh blood, and sprinkle the altar several times.  Finally, we observed how our lamb, OUR LAMB!, was burned in the consuming fire!  When we returned home we watched the long line of sinners (and their sheep), waiting for their turn to offer the sacrifice.

All this hard work had one purpose:  To teach sinners that it does not pay to sin.

A second of pleasure, is not worth the pain of having offended God, or the guilt that we must now carry on our conscience.

To repent, and change is also hard work.  We have to bring our broken hearts to Jesus; place our sins at his altar; slaughter our pride and lust; and finally we must be “sprinkled” or filled with the assurance of his everlasting forgiveness.

A. G.

The Substitute (Leviticus 3)

            “You shall lay your hand…”

            I read a story about a little boy that was giving blood to be used in his brother’s surgery. As the nurse drained his blood, he remained stoic and quiet, but when she was finished with the transfusion, he asked her:

            “When do I die?”

            In his innocent mind, he was giving not only his blood, but his life to save his brother.  He had become a substitute!

            When the Israelites brought their peace offerings to God, they were required to place their hand over the animal’s head.  This was a symbolic act that represented the “transfer” of their own sins and guilt to their sacrifice.  The animal being offered would become a substitute for the repentant sinners and then die on the altar.

            How sad is to think that an innocent beast was sacrificed for the sin of a human being!  Even more tragic (but necessary) was the crucifixion of Jesus, who died for us, even though he was blameless and pure.  He was and is our one and only Substitute.

            If the blood of animals was unable to forgive sins (Heb. 10:4); then why did they have to be slaughtered and burned?  Those poor sheep and bulls were sacrificed because they were used as substitutes for sinners and as a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior.

            One day, in the future, there would appear a Perfect Lamb that would die for the sins of the world “once and for all” (Hebrews 9:12, 26).  Thanks be to God for Jesus, our Substitute!

             A. G.

A Touch of Oil (Leviticus 2)

            “You shall add oil to it…”

            I enjoy eating bread.  There are many varieties I like, such as Cuban, French, Italian, White Mountain, garlic, etc. I can eat these breads with or without butter, but my favorite additive is olive oil.

            Olive oil (and a little touch of salt or black pepper) brings up the flavor to another dimension.  Any type of bread “anointed” with, or dipped in olive oil becomes a delicacy, a delicious and mouthwatering feast.  Olive oil can transform dry bread into a meal coveted by everyone.

            Oil was indispensable for the grain offerings; without oil they were unacceptable.  The oil was added to the flour, or it was mixed with it, to make unleavened cakes and wafers.  As you know, it is impossible to bake bread or cakes without some kind of oil.

            It is also impossible to be a Christian or live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit.  In the Old Testament, the oil was used for some offerings and to anoint Kings and priests.  In the New, the Holy Spirit replaced this archaic use of oil

            We are anointed with the Holy Spirit today!  To be anointed is to be filled and empowered by the Spirit, to serve God in a mighty way.  We need to pray and ask God to fill us with his Holy Spirit every day, so we can become very effective and powerful Christians.

            Is your life a bit dry and tasteless today?  Ask God for a “touch of oil.” He will not anoint your head with olive oil or give you a second baptism with the Spirit, but he will fill us with his Spirit and we shall become powerful, useful and pleasing to God.

            A. G.