No More (Numbers 17)

            “I will put a stop to the complaints…”

            Little Johnny was always complaining to his mother.  Sometimes he would complain about his brother, and at other times about his sister, or his teachers, or his friends, or his…well you get the picture.  He was truly a master in the art of complaining, but no one appreciated his artistry, especially his mom. 

            Parents in general, are not fond of too much complaining.  They are already burdened with problems and endless responsibilities.  The last thing they need is to hear the grumbles and endless complaints of their children.

            I believe God is the same way.  Even though He loves us and is patient with us, I believe that He would rather listen to our praises than to our problems.  He delights himself in true worshippers not in whiners.

            There are however genuine concerns (not complaints) that we must bring to God in prayer.  He listens to our problems when we pray to Him and he is sympathetic to our needs, for His is a throne of grace, but doubts and complaints are not welcomed in his glorious throne.

            Examine yourself today to see if there is a spirit of complaining in you.  Remember that your tongue is there to praise the Lord or to pray in his Name; but is not designed to speak against God or to complain like little children.

            There is a promise of God in this chapter: He will stop all the complaints.  Before that happens; before God “cuts your tongue,” stop your complaining.  No one has solved any problem by grumbling, and you are not the exception.

            A. G.

         Choose Well (Numbers 16)

            “…get away from…Korah…”

            A Christian young man had a good friend-at least that is what he thought.  He trusted his “friend” completely and would tell him all of his secrets, problems and intimate dreams.  One day, this false friend betrayed him and revealed all his secrets publicly.

            His pastor had warned him repeatedly about this unequal friendship.  He was told several times to keep away from the evil friend, but he didn’t listen, thinking that his pastor was exaggerating. Finally the young man realized his mistake, and separated himself from the one he thought, was his friend.

            In the Bible we are admonished to separate ourselves from false friends and false believers.  Korah is an example of them.  He rebelled against Moses and God and actively promoted division among the people.  He paid dearly for this infraction, as he and most of his family went down (alive) straight to Sheol (or Hell).

            Therefore we must keep away from those who cause divisions and betray the Lord.  There are many “Korahs” frequenting congregations and we must be very careful for they are very dangerous.

            The Bible does admonish us to, “not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” (2 Corinthians 6:14)

            Unite yourself with mature disciples who are role models in your church.  Observe their behavior, faith and love and imitate them.  You will become like those whom you associate with.  Make sure to choose the best.

            A. G.

  The Law (Numbers 15)

            “…a single statute…same law…”

            The Law of Christ applies to every human being.  It is the same for men and women; Jews and Gentiles; young and old and for every race, tribe, people or nation in the world.  The Bible is the Word of God, and in it we find God’s will for our lives and many principles that deal with every situation.  Although we are not bound by the Law of Moses, we must follow the Law of Christ and his “rules” for a successful Christian life.

            What is this Law of Christ and what are we supposed to do?  Good question. I will briefly say that Jesus wants us to do the following things; and much more:

  1. Love God and our neighbors (including enemies).
  2. Love one another
  3. Preach the Gospel to the entire world.
  4. Live in holiness (salt of the earth)
  5. Please the Father in everything we do.
  6. Take up our cross and follow Him
  7. Study the Scriptures, watch and pray.

            This is what Christ wants us to do, and if we are obedient, he will be pleased with us.  He has given to us the divine Holy Spirit who will help us to fulfill the Law of Christ in our hearts.

            We are responsible before God to study his Word with hungry hearts.  I pray that our Heavenly Father will make us hungry to know God, hungry to know his will and hungry to obey Him.

             A. G.

  No Reason (Numbers 14)

            “…because the Lord was not able…”

            For many people in this world God does not even exist, and for others, he has the same or even less power than any idol you can buy at a religious establishment.  These statues of “saints,” “virgins” and a myriad of false gods seem to be more powerful than the real God is to their followers, as millions of deluded and lost people follow, pray and worship these idols exclusively.

            What is even sadder is the fact that they praise their idols for their blessings, and blame the only true God if anything goes wrong.  This is a travesty to say the least and a great offense against God.

            Moses was aware of the sinful nature of the Canaanites, when he begged God to forgive his rebellious people.  He was certain that the Egyptians and the Canaanites would mock and taunt God for his “inability” to deliver Israel completely.

            Our God does not share his glory with anyone and he will never be mocked.  He forgave the young sons of the children of Israel, but the rebellious fathers would die in the wilderness.  By doing this, God preserved the posterity of his people and the integrity of his deity.

            The unbelievers will continue doubting and attacking God.  They will take hold of the most insignificant detail or “reason” to prove that there is no God or that he is indeed powerless or evil.

            Let us be careful how we conduct ourselves in front of an unbelieving society.  Our testimony and reputation can give pagans a reason to discredit our good Lord.

            A. G.


We Can Do It (Numbers 13)

            “We are not able to go against these people…”

            Moses cried out to God when his burden became greater than his strength.  He couldn’t do it alone and consequently reached out to the Lord for divine assistance.  This was the cry of a man of faith who was at the end of his rope.

            Nevertheless there is a great difference between Moses and his “I am not able…” and the incredulous complaint of the people: 

           “We are not able to go against these people.”   

            Moses was asking for help to do his work; the people were declaring their open unbelief of God’s power.

            When a Christian says “I Can’t” he is expressing himself as an unbeliever.  The Bible says that: “I can do all things through Him (Christ) that strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13).  In other words, power comes from God.  When we are unable to carry on, God will carry us in the wings of the Holy Spirit.  He will help us finish the race.

            Moses learned this lesson at the beginning of his ministry, when he ran out of excuses.  He learned that God’s power can overrule any deficiency or adversity.  He learned to come to God for help. 

            Moses told God; I can’t, but you can help me.  The Israelites said something like: “We are not able and we won’t do it.”  

            Are you weak today?  Do you feel that you are unable to go on? Cry to God with all of your heart and he will answer.  Never tell him that you “can’t” unless you are pleading for divine intervention.

            A. G.