Total Consecration (Exodus 30)  

            “…you shall consecrate them…”

            Consecration, according to the dictionary, is to dedicate or devote something or someone to God’s service. The meaning of this word is directly connected to the holiness or sacredness of our God. He, who comes to God, is approaching a sacred Person in a sacred place. When Moses was approaching the burning bush, he was told:

              “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5)

            When God ordered Moses to consecrate the Tabernacle, he was not speaking in general terms.  God is interested in every detail, and Moses was told to anoint each and every part of the tabernacle.

            Child of God, consecrate your life to God today.  Consecration is an act that reaches beyond Sunday morning’s service; when we promise total devotion to God.  What happens to that promise during the rest of the week?

            Consecration is more than offering our minds to God; we must also give him our hearts.  A consecrated believer praises God in good, as well as in bad times; he serves God, and only him, while others are looking for the approval of men.  Consecration, in short, is placing our entire being in the everlasting arms of God.  It is to die to the desires of the flesh and to allow Christ to reign in our souls.

            God expects consecration from all his children.  Only a courageous believer will be able to consecrate his life to God’s service.  Are you willing to consecrate each and every part of your being to the Lord?

             A. G.

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