The Words of my Mouth (Genesis 42)

            “…in order that your words may be tested…”

            Actions, not only words, this is what the world expects of God’s children!

            This is not to say that we are not to preach the Holy Gospel.  May it never be!  We must proclaim God’s message every day, and at any time (2 Timothy 4:2).  We are God’s messengers and as such, we must speak the truth and spread the Good News to a lost and dark world.

            But we are also God’s ambassadors, we represent God’s kingdom to this earth.  If earthly diplomats follow a rigorous protocol, how much higher our standards must be.  As you can appreciate, words that are not backed by holy living, are as empty as a “noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1).

            The veracity or authenticity of our words, are verified by our deeds.  Somebody has said: “Let your actions speak louder than your words.”  Thus it is safe to conclude that it is equally important to say what we do, and to do what we say.

            “By this I shall know that you are honest men…”  

            We are being watched at all times.  If you (as you should) tell someone that you are a believer, then prepare yourself to be under severe scrutiny.  From now on, every word, gesture, action, and reaction are being carefully observed by your family, friends, enemies, and even by your brothers and sisters in the Lord.

            Therefore brethren, be diligent and practice everything you preach, otherwise people will call you a hypocrite or false prophet.  Remember that God is also watching what we do; listening to what we say; and monitoring our minds and hearts. 

            A. G

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