Walking Home

           Almost everyone has heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In this tale, a little girl is sent to her grandmother’s house with provisions. She was told not to talk to strangers or stray from the path (depending on the version), but she did not listen to her mother’s warning.

          Christians are walking on a narrow and dangerous path (Matthew 7:13-14). We might not have to walk through a dark forest, but we walk sometimes through the “valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4)

          I have dreamed many times about returning to Cuba; to my parents’ old home. I see myself walking around the old neighborhood, dotted with dilapidated homes and buildings and “holy” streets.

          I also, and even more so, dream about the day when we finally arrive in Heaven: our real, glorious, perfect and eternal home.

          There is nothing better than coming home after a long and hard day at work. Home is the place where we belong; where we can rest and rejoice in the company of our loved ones.

          There is nothing better in this life than knowing with all assurance and certainty that there is a better, much better, infinitely better home waiting for us at the end of the road.

           A. G.

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