“Horrible Days”

                One of the most famous children books of all times is entitled: “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” This book recounts the story of a “bad” day in the life of a young boy named Alexander.

                This boy was very pessimistic, because he woke up feeling that his day would be horrible no matter what. This was indeed the case, as he devoted himself to complain about everything, including his breakfast, his brand new shoes, his hot bath and his pajamas. I wonder if children in poor countries would ever complain about these things!

                Well, my name is also Alexander and I am having a challenging day. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, but I am coughing and sneezing. The house is a total mess; there is debris and tools everywhere and to make matters worse, the water pump just broke.

                There are days like these when nothing seems to go our way. I call them “Job Days” because they are filled with work and turmoil, but also because they remind me of Job, the patriarch, who suffered one loss after another all on the same day.

                None of us can compare to Job’s calamities, but when we go through a “horrible” day, we feel as if we are surrounded by more lions than Daniel and by more waves than Peter. The fiery furnace, where the three young Jews were thrown, is like a single match compared to the magnitude of our fiery trials.

                I am not minimizing our pain. We too experience horrible days and suffer loss. There are days that seem to test us beyond what we can endure. We have been “at the end of our ropes” many times, and at times we can’t even find the rope.

                It is at those times when we cry out to Jesus. He saved Peter from the waves, Daniel from the lions, Moses from Pharaoh and his people from a multitude of enemies. He has also saved you and me not only from hell, but from many horrible, hellish days.

                The fact that you are reading this today indicates that our Lord has been merciful and gracious to you. Yes, you have endured quite a few trials, but you are still here; you are still standing by the grace of God and one day you will stand in the presence of God in glory forever.

                In the meantime, here is a good verse for horrible days

                No temptation (test) has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted (tested) beyond what you are able, but with the temptation (test) will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 Emphasis mine)

                 A. G.

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