Isaiah 30     (September 7)

                                           Heart’s Cry

              “…at the sound of your cry…”

              Our Lord is good and merciful and his grace is everlasting. He has compassion for us when we cry out to him with distress, and he always answers. One thing is to request something from God, and another is to pour out our soul before him. Hanna cried out for a son; Jesus cried out in the garden of Gethsemane, and Christians must cry out to the Father, who listens with compassion and love.

               People who live without Christ cannot cry out to heaven, because they do not have anyone there to cry out to. They have rejected their Maker and turned to idols that do not hear, and neither will God, because they are living in sin.

               But you and I can elevate our most fervent prayers to Christ today, because one day he heard our cry of repentance and the confession of our faith. The first prayer God ever listens to, is the “sinner’s prayer;” the cry of a contrite heart.

               Christ loves us and finds delight when he listens to the heart’s cry of his servants. It does not matter what situation we are in, we can always cry out to our God, and he will always respond.

               Christ, I come to you today amid my failures and distress. Hear my prayer today; listen to the cry of my heart as I pour my life before you. I am your servant and I want to serve you more. Use me, Lord, and transform my life and make me a vessel that brings honor and glory to your name. I cry to you, Father, for the forgiveness of my sins. Please blot out my transgressions and sanctify me by the power of your Holy Spirit.


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