Ecclesiastes 5, 6     (July 29)

                                              Promises, Promises

            “Fulfill what you vow.”

            Humans are not very good or reliable in keeping their promises. We promise fidelity to our spouses, but very few of us are faithful to the end. We promise to dedicate our lives to God in a church service or a youth camp, and two weeks later we find ourselves in need of rededicating our lives again to the Lord.

            God takes our promises very seriously. You must not promise something that you are not able to fulfill, because it will be counted as sin. It is much better not to promise anything, than to do so and break your vows.

             It is possible that in your heart there is an intense desire to promise something to God. Beware of what your mouth says, bite your tongue first and pray. If what you want to promise to God is according to God’s will, he will help you to fulfill your word.

             Nevertheless, there is something a thousand times greater than all the promises in the world: Our availability and disposition to be used by God. God is pleased with a Christian who offers himself daily to his service, not with those that promise and never fulfill.

             Which kind of believer are you, a promise maker or an obedient disciple?

             For me, it has been an honor to participate in some of the “Promise Keepers” conferences. We need a special touch from God to fulfill the promise of being a good Christian, husband, father, son and citizen.

             Oh Lord, you that keep all of your promises, please help me to fulfill mine! I have broken many promises to you, to my wife and to other people. I don’t want to make any more promises, but I want to hold on to your promises, for they are faithful and true.

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