Ecclesiastes 3      (July 27)


            “For everything there is a season…”

             I write these lines in the middle of a youth summer camp in Lake Yale, Florida. The time that I have spent here has been wonderful. We have studied the Bible, played sports and worshipped the Lord.

             This teaches us—as the Bible says—that everything has its time and season. There is time for almost everything, as long as what we do, it’s done decently, orderly, biblically and with the purpose of honoring (or at least not dishonoring) our Lord. Time belongs to God, although he does not live in time. He reigns from eternity to eternity.               

             Every second that we live and enjoy is a gift from the Lord. Every second that passes by, is a second that will never return. Every second that will come our way, is an opportunity to love, serve and worship God.

             We must therefore use our time wisely.

             Everything has its time and each thing must be done in its own time. We should not swim at the beach, play sports or walk in the park, when it’s time to worship. It is not correct to cry when a child is born, or to laugh when someone dies without Christ. It is also not appropriate to shout amen or hallelujah, indiscriminately during the sermon.

             Time belongs to the Lord, it is his possession, and it must be used primarily for His glory. Whatever time is left for us to live, we must use it to glorify our Lord night and day; for the day of our death, who knows it?

             Let us live in such a way, that we will be able to say on our final day: “I used my time for you Lord.”

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