2 Chronicles 5 (January 5)

                                                                        Empty and Full

            “…For the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.”

            Have you ever experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit in your life?  Christ has commanded through Paul that we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  In order for this to happen it is necessary for us to empty ourselves first of all sins, burdens and anxieties, and later ask the Father to fill us.

            The temple which Solomon built was filled totally with the presence of God in the cloud, during its dedication.  The glory of God was so evident in that place, that no one could enter through its porticoes—not even the priests.

            Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore it should be taken care of, and sanctified so that it can always be a pleasant place for the Spirit of God.  When I speak of our “bodies,” I include all our being.  The Spirit wants to fill us with glory and power in body, soul and spirit.

            Paul said one day “…I no longer live but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). This verse reflects a person so full of God that it is Christ who lives in him.  In other words the person has submitted to the absolute control of Jesus over his life.

            The priests were forced to leave because the glory of God filled the temple.  We also need to “leave” and let go of any claims we think we have over our own lives. We need to confess that Jesus is the Lord of our lives.  This is what Paul meant when he wrote about crucifying the flesh (old man) and its desires.  There should be only one KING and one LORD… Jesus Christ.  Let us pray that God fills us with his Spirit of glory, and that we let go totally; and never again attempt to control what should only be controlled by Him.

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