“Black (and Red) Friday”

            Today is “Black Friday” in the United States. This day has nothing to do with race or discrimination; it is a financial term dealing with the bottom line. On Black Friday is when most businesses go from being “in the red” (losing money) to being in the black (making a profit).

            Black Friday is also a direct and frontal attack upon the celebration of Thanksgiving. This precious holy day, is celebrated with a family dinner where everyone gathers around to give thanks to our God. What a beautiful and God-honoring tradition!

            A few years ago, we could still celebrate Thanksgiving unhurriedly, but not anymore. You see, Black Friday actually started on Friday morning, but now it has gone from six a.m. on Friday morning, to Thursday at midnight and as of this year, to Thursday in the afternoon.

            Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holy day, but it is an afterthought for many. Stores go from having Halloween displays to what they call Christmas (I call it Nativity) sales; bypassing Thanksgiving almost completely.

            What if I tell you that we have it all wrong and backwards? In reality, Thanksgiving comes after “Black and Red Friday” and not the other way around. Now that I have you dazed and confused, allow me to explain what I mean.

            Over 2,000 years ago, our Lord Jesus died on the cross. This event is celebrated or remembered on what is now called “Good Friday.” There is no consensus as far as the actual day of the crucifixion, as some teach that Jesus died on a Wednesday, while others assert that it was on the Friday before the Resurrection.

            The main point, however, is that Jesus did die to atone for our sins and to satisfy the righteous anger of his Father. The exact day of the week is not really mentioned in the Bible, so for the purpose of this blog I will use Friday.

            On “Black and Red Friday”, Jesus gave his life on the cross for us and because of that we can celebrate Thanksgiving, because now we have Someone to give thanks to: Our Lord, our God and our Savior.

            That “Friday” was black, because it was the darkest day in human history. On that day, humanity crucified the Creator. The darkness was not only spiritual, but physical as well (Matthew 27:45)

            That “Friday” was also red, for on that day, the precious blood of Jesus was shed for the people of God. The fact that you and I are saved today, is the direct result of having been washed in the cleansing, saving and forgiving blood of Jesus (1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5).

            Alexander Gonzalez


            I just finished eating breakfast and let me tell you: It was delicious! Our breakfasts are normally eggs, bread and some type of coffee, but today’s meal was a feast. It was so good, that I wanted to keep eating.

            I have a “normal” appetite for food. I eat three meals a day (not counting little snacks), but I don’t think I eat too little or too much. Today, however, my appetite was almost insatiable and I had to “put a knife” to my throat (Proverbs 23:2) to stop eating.

            With Thanksgiving and Nativity just around the corner, we must learn to control our appetites. We need to tame the turkey, slow down with the sweet potatoes and stuffing, be mellow with the mashed potatoes, calm down with the cornbread and cranberry sauce and delay any interaction with desserts.

            The same holds true for all other appetites of the flesh. As I wrote in the last blog (The Kiss of Death), temptation is real, powerful and deadly. I forgot to mention in my last entry, that temptation has a willing and strong ally in our sensual appetites.

            We would like to blame the devil and his forces for every sin we commit, but the fact is that we have as much to blame, if not more than the tempter. James 1:13-15 puts it this way:

            Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” (Emphasis mine)

            A Chinese (or Indian) proverb declares that inside of us live two dogs; a good and a bad one. The strongest dog is the one we feed the most. I don’t believe there are actual dogs living in me, but there are some desires inside of me that are not holy. The appetites of the stomach might be controlled with medicine or self-will, but the appetites of the flesh cannot be controlled, pacified or tamed: They must be put to death (Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:5).

            The Bible declares that when we received Christ as Lord and Savior, we were born again (John 3:3) and received a new nature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

            As a believer my desires and appetites are spiritual and holy. I have a craving for God (Psalm 42:2; Isaiah 26:9) and for his Word (Psalm 119). Let us feed on the Bread of Heaven (John 6) and the appetite for this world will end.

            Alexander Gonzalez

“Kiss of Death”

            Europeans are different from Americans in many respects. They eat differently, dress differently and greet differently. While many Americans wave or shake hands, Europeans (England not included) are more into hugs and kisses.

            The Italians, for example, are very effusive and passionate when they greet. Even the members of the Mafia (a very small percentage of Italians) are notorious for their affection; at least from what I have watched in the movies.

            One of their kisses, however, is neither affectionate nor friendly. I am referring to the infamous “Kiss of Death” given to those that have been marked for execution by the Mafia.

            This should be called the “Judas Kiss,” for it was Judas the one that betrayed Jesus with a kiss. His evil display of “affection” led to Jesus’ capture and eventual death (Luke 22:47, 48).

            Judas’ kiss will forever remain an example of hypocrisy, wickedness and betrayal. There are far too many Judas-like relationships in the world, and we find them at work, at school, at home and even at church.

            There is yet another kiss of death that is even deadlier and more destructive, than the Mafia and Judas’ kiss combined. It is the infernal and diabolical kiss of temptation.

            Temptation is an evil mistress that comes to visit us so much and so often, that she seems to be part of our family. This mistress is beautiful in appearance and often comes disguised “as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

            There is no woman more attractive than Temptation. She looks, gorgeous and inviting and before we know it, we fall under her spell. Behind her winsome smile there is an ugly and unclean spirit. Do not kiss her pretty lips, unless you want to be ripped apart by her fangs. Keep also in mind that she never travels alone. Temptation is always accompanied by a ruthless lion (1 Peter 5:8) and by death (James 1:14, 15).

            Do not open the door to this deadly woman (Revelation 17). Don’t even look in her direction (Matthew 5:27-29). Remember that Temptation (beautiful as she might be), never has good intentions for us and there have never been good results when we follow her. If you hold her hand, she will drag you to her father’s house and there you will find only sin and death.

             Alexander Gonzalez

Sufficient Grace

              After celebrating this “Thanksgiving Time” we observe yearly in the U.S. I was pondering on another reason why we should be thankful: Sufficient Grace (generous benefit and or favor bestowed to someone who could never earn it).

               I don’t deserve you Lord Jesus. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, mercy and or grace. I still fall short; I sometimes think that I can live this life on my own strength. I say to myself: “God doesn’t know what I’m going through, He couldn’t possibly understand”.

               Oh, but your Word Lord reminds me of the grace you have bestowed on all those who have gone already; who did not deserve what you gave to them. You blessed those who were and even those that were not part of the people of Israel (Eve, Ruth, Rahab and Me).

               We pride ourselves by saying that we do much for the glory of God, but how much is enough? You gave your life on the cross, while none of your followers were there. Yet, your grace shed through your blood brought them back and those imperfect, scared, betraying disciples became the first vessels that carried, preached and lived the message of hope, grace and forgiveness through faith in Christ. That message has reached us and is still saving.

              We do NOT deserve anything good; we are only debtors. Oh Lord, may we look to you and see the grace that sets us free. This grace has freed us from our own sins. I pray that our testimony may show the world that “God’s grace is sufficient.”

              May we, your children boast like the apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “…in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities…” Make us like Jesus. May we be vessels that carry the marks of Christ, suffering through this life with joy and show Your grace to those who still don’t know you.

             Alexander and Mayra Gonzalez

A Thanksgiving Song

The moment to give thanks is not a single day

Hour by hour we sing your praises, Lord

And we shall never stop to thank you and to pray

Now and tomorrow and forevermore

Kneeling we come today before your throne

Satisfied with your love and your salvation

Giving thanks to you with our songs

 In all worship, praise and adoration

Victory is ours and yours is all the glory

 Infinite is our debt of gratitude

New every morning is your grace and mercy

God, to thank you, is all we want to do


Alexander Gonzalez