The Real Hill  

There is a Hill, which I climb every day

Far from the distractions of this world

A place where I can rest and pray

And find peace and hope for my soul


There is a Hill where heaven and earth

Meet together in a loving embrace

Where the Skull was crushed, and Death

Was conquered for the human race


There is a Hill from which a river flows

A fountain that brings healing to the nations

Flowing with the holy and precious Blood

To rescue those who need salvation


There is a Hill, which you must also climb

To bring, and leave your cares and burdens

Once you reach the top, you shall find

A brand new future, glorious and certain


There is Hill with a beautiful tree

Injured and defiled by three nails

That have opened a fountain of peace

To heal our hearts and make us well


There is a Hill that is calling your name

Open arms waiting to receive you

Wounded hands that will cover your shame

Loving eyes and lips that speak only truth


Some men have climbed Capitol Hill

And a few have reached Mount Everest

But this Hill is by far the very best

For in this Hill love ended the strife

And all that kneel in this Hill

Will find everlasting life

A. G

One Language (Genesis 11)


                 “Now the whole earth had one language…

                The postdiluvian society had the “benefit” of a common language. Everyone was able to communicate with and understand each other. There was only one problem: SIN. When sin enters the scene, everything else is affected.

                This was the case with the new generation after the Flood. They were talented, but sin was the guiding principle of whatever they set out to accomplish. Their goal was to build a tower reaching up to heaven. This was humanism at its best; the creatures now attempted to displace their Creator.

                Today we live in a world marked by technological advancement. Every day we hear about a new discovery in science, medicine, computers, etc. this has been possible due to the creativity and ingenuity of the human race. The human race is also responsible for bombs, missiles, drugs, and many other “discoveries”. Technology has made it possible once again for humanity to understand each other through the use of satellites and translation devices.

                The world is beginning to speak one language again.

                The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must speak one language. This language is LOVE. If the builders of the tower were almost unstoppable (guided by sin and hatred), how much more can the Church accomplish if we love God and each other? The world will deduct that we are believers, not through our “Christian” bumper stickers or T-shirts. If only we talk to one another with genuine love; they will know that we are Christians (John 13:35), and perhaps they will also get to know the Christ we love.

                 A. G.

Powerful Men (Genesis 10)

                “…the first…mighty warrior.”

                We live in a world fascinated by power. There are power-hungry executives, power-hungry Satan worshippers, and multitudes of bloodthirsty fans willing to pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars to enjoy boxing, extreme wrestling, and ultimate fighting, to mention just a few.

                What about “superheroes”? A while ago, I took my then, three teenage boys to watch X-Men, a movie full of nonstop action in which our “heroes” displayed an awesome array of supernatural powers, including fire, laser, ice, and mind control. These movies, comics, and video games have captured the imagination of our power-hungry generation.

                Nimrod would have been a popular character in our times. He was truly powerful, at least in the worldly sense of the word. He founded Babel or Babylon and ruled over a vast empire. Some even say he controlled the Babylonian religion.

                This world of ours needs power, but not the power that comes from Hollywood, Wall Street, or Washington, DC. God has given power to his Church, a power that is able to change lives and influence society. Hollywood has special effects and tricks, Wall Street controls the economy, and DC has the president of the United States, but we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

                There is no person in this world more powerful than a Spirit-filled Christian. In John 4:4 we read the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” If you are a follower of Christ you have more power at your disposal than you can imagine.

                This power allows us to live a holy life and to preach the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. This power enables us to pray for others as we intercede before the throne of God and this power is the reason that we can obey and serve our Lord.

                Do you have this power?

                A. G.


                This is the sign of the covenant…”

                There is something peculiar about the game of baseball that separates this sport from every competition: signs. Have you attended a game of baseball or watched one at home? Then you probably noticed the manager and the first and third base coaches making all sorts of ridiculous signs. For the casual observer, this is a comical spectacle, but for the batter or runner, these signs are reminders that the coach is in control and that he is directing the course of the game according to his plan.

                The rainbow is the sign of God’s covenant with Noah. This sign pointed to God’s promise of not sending another worldwide flood; this sign tells us that God is still in control of the universe; this sign is a public testimony that God has given humanity a second chance. What is your first reaction when you see a rainbow? Some admire the bright colors, while others don’t even bother looking up. I am thankful to believe in a God that always fulfills His promises and is always ready and willing to offer yet another opportunity to the repentant heart.

                God also made a covenant with us, better known as the New Covenant, which was mediated by Jesus in His complete work of redemption. This is also a second chance, as we now enjoy the benefits of a new life and will enjoy a new home in heaven. Great emphasis is place on the fact that God wiped out almost an entire society, but let us not forget the word almost, for God gave Noah and every future generation a new beginning, a celestial sign, and a second chance.

                 A. G.

DETAILS (Genesis 8)

                 “But God remembered Noah…”

                 The greatness of our God can be attributed to His majestic glory, His creative genius, and His orderly rule of the universe. God’s greatness can also be appreciated in His attention to details. The same God who controls the course of history is the God who feeds the birds and clothes the flowers of the field (Matt. 6:26-29).

                 God remembered Noah. Who was Noah? Just a little speck, an insignificant creature lost in the vastness of the universe. But nothing or no one escapes God’s attention. God remembered Noah. This is an expression to denote that in reality, God never forgets anything, except our sins.

                God never forgets us and always remembers us. God knows our dreams and desires, our secrets and sins, our fears and future. He even has the exact count of the hairs on our heads (for some of us, the count is becoming easier by the minute).

                “Go out of the ark…”

                Noah came out of the ark to a “new” earth. In the near future, we too shall go out of this world. The ark represents not only our salvation in Christ, but it also typifies our preservation during the earthly phase of our Christian life. One day, we will meet Jesus face to face in the “new heavens and new earth” (Revelation 22).

                We can face the future with confidence, knowing that God is interested in every detail relevant to our lives, that He will take care of us in His providence, and that soon He is coming to take us home with Him forever.

                A. G.