Painted by Jesus (Exodus 29)

            “…put it on the lobe…on the thumbs…on the right foot…”

            When Aaron and his sons where consecrated for the priesthood, they received holy garments and they were “painted” with the blood of a ram.  This blood was placed on the lobe of the right ear, on the thumbs and on the big toes.

            What is the meaning of all this painting?

            Thanks for asking me!  The blood on the lobe is so that our ears are sensitive to God’s call.  We need to be able to listen to God’s instructions clearly in order to follow them.

            And speaking of following; that is the reason our feet need to be painted or anointed with the blood of Jesus.  Our feet can lead us to destruction, but if they have been anointed with the precious blood of the Lamb, they can surely take us on the path of righteousness and obedience to God.

            We need “painted feet” to stand firm in the faith.  Even though many run to and fro, lusting after new teachings, we will be able to hold fast to the sound doctrine of the Gospel.

            Finally, the blood of Jesus needs to be applied also to our hands.  The believer must have holy hands to praise God and do his will, so let the pure blood of Jesus cleanse your sin stained hands.

            Therefore, before you shave or put on any make-up, tell Jesus to wash and anoint your whole being with his sacred blood.  The paint (make-up) of this world can beautify you on the outside.  The “paint” (blood) of Jesus makes you beautiful inside and out.

             A. G.

The Best Outfit (Exodus 28)

            “You shall make sacred vestments…”

            In the Old Testament Aaron and his descendants were consecrated as priests to minister to the Lord.  In the New Testament, all the believers are part of the “royal priesthood” (I Peter 2:9).

            God commissioned Moses to make sacred or holy vestments for his brother Aaron, the first high priest, and for his sons. These priestly garments were made of fine linen, purple, crimson, gold and precious stones.

            Christians have none of these precious garments.  How could we be priests of God then?  The answer lies in the fact that our garments are invisible to the human eye.  We are dressed with spiritual clothes. 

            The believer’s undergarments are holiness and righteousness.  Right on top of those we must: “Put on the whole armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:10). This armor is for our protection against the forces of evil. The last article of clothing is love, for “perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18).

            Sometimes we sin and stain our “garments”.  When that happens, we need to follow this formula:

  1. Put off sin immediately.
  2. Find cleansing through confession.
  3. Put on the armor of God.
  4. Be filled with the Spirit

             Are you dressed like a priest today?    

        A. G.

Quinqué (Exodus 27)  

            “So that a lamp…burn regularly…”

            I still remember my days in Cuba, when I was a bit younger.  I remember the poverty, the hunger and the “false” freedom brought by the Revolution.  I also remember the deceiving political discourses and all the pain and hard work that my mother had to endure.  Oh, I almost forgot, I also remember the numerous blackouts.

            The blackouts were common in my time (I hear that it’s worse now!).  Entire cities were left without electricity for hours or even days at a time.  It was a dangerous time to be on the street, because thieves and other criminals tend to operate better under the cover of darkness.

            In our house, however, there was always light.  No, we were not rich nor communists, but we did have a “quinqué.”  A quinqué was an oil lamp similar to a lantern.  With a good oil supply you can have light for a long time.

            The children of God are spiritual quinqués; at least we are supposed to be.  The oil we have is the best:  The Holy Spirit.  We can be lights in the darkness; we can illuminate the world so they can see Jesus.

            The Scriptures command us not to “quench the Spirit” (I Thess. 5:19).  If we turn off the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives we might as well be like pagans, who continually live in a state of spiritual blackout.

            Lord, fill us with your Spirit and shine forever in our hearts! We want to shine for you in this dark and sinful age. Help us to be the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) and to reflect your glory everywhere we go.

            A. G.

Upright and Straight (Exodus 26)   

            “You shall make upright frames…”

            “Bring me another board!”  A carpenter told his helper, as he threw away the wooden plank.

            “Why did you throw that one on the floor?”  Asked the bewildered assistant.

            “It’s no good.  Don’t you see all the knots and curves that it has?” Replied the irate boss.  “From now on, only bring me straight boards!”

            Jesus was a carpenter too.  He knows when a piece of wood is good and when a board is useless.  Jesus also knows when a Christian is living an upright or “straight” life and when our path is crooked.

            God’s will is that his children are as useful as straight wooden boards.  Does this mean that we have to be perfect?  In no way!  If that were the case, none of us would ever be used by God. Yet He requires that we lead a holy life and that we walk in the straight and narrow way.

             We were once twisted and stained by sin, but Jesus straightened our life and now we can be useful agents of God’s kingdom on earth. If Jesus was able to feed over 5,000 people with a few loaves of bread, how much more can He do through us today!

            One day, when we reach heaven, we shall be perfect.  We will be free forever from the presence of sin and our bodies will be immortal and gloriously perfect.

            Until that day arrives, we must be upright in all our ways.  In other words our lives must be consecrated to the Lord; our minds must be saturated with his Word; and our will must be at His service forevermore! 

            A. G.

My Offering (Exodus 25)  

            “…an offering from all whose hearts prompts them…”

            What should be our motivation when we bring tithes and offerings to the Lord?

            In the first place, let’s keep in mind that our offerings are for GOD.  The money you place on the plate is not for the pastor, for a Christian singer and not even for the church.  That money belongs solely to God, and when we give, we must give with gladness unto the Lord.

            But, what about those “pastors” or so-called Christian organizations who steal or squander God’s money?

            While it is true that there will always be those hirelings who “minister” for the sake of money, remember that they are now dealing with God and that God will deal with them. These mercenaries will have to answer for every penny they stole from gullible or good hearted believers, by promising healing or any other benefit.  Therefore, there is no excuse to withhold your offerings to the Lord.  You may choose to give your offerings in another church, but if you close your wallet altogether, you will become a thief too.

            Our offerings must come from the heart; a happy and grateful heart.  When we have offered our hearts to God, we will have no trouble offering to him everything else, including our money.

            Is your heart a property of God?  Is your will submitted to God’s will?

            Some people give money to God, while others bring offerings.  Only those who are grateful, and have a pure heart, will bring free will offerings with joy to the Lord, and only they shall be accepted. 

             A. G.