Party Days (Leviticus 23)

             “…a holy convocation…the appointed feasts…”

            Everybody loves holidays, feasts and parties.  Birthday celebrations are always welcome, no matter how old we are and we also celebrate anniversaries, graduations and a host of other festive occasions.

            Believers in Christ are no strangers to parties and celebrations.  We rejoice during Holy Week (some call it “Easter,” I don’t know why), Thanksgiving and Nativity, also known as “Christmas.”

            These Christian feasts produce in us a mixture of sadness and joy at the same time.  We experience great sadness because Jesus endured great pains and utmost suffering on our behalf.  We are also overcome with pure and unadulterated joy, for the simple reason that Jesus was triumphant over sin, death and hell; and because his victory, is our victory.

            In these feasts or holidays we must praise the Lord with gladness in our hearts; not merely satisfy our carnal appetites with food and drinks.  These are “solemn” feasts designed to exalt the name of God for his love and goodness.

            These holidays should be called “Holy Days,” for they are a “Holy Convocation” to come before God in holiness and humility.   Remember this when you are preparing a banquet on Thanksgiving or buying a gift during the Nativity season.

            The good news is that we do not have to wait for the holidays to come.  Every day is a gift of God, so let’s have a party with the Lord!  Today is a Holy Day to celebrate who Christ is and what he has done for us!

             A. G.

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