The Great Purpose (Exodus 9)      

            “…so that they may worship me.”

            In this chapter of the Bible we can observe the following facts:

  1. The struggle between good and evil.  (Moses Vs Pharaoh).
  2. The boundless power of God. (The plagues).
  3. The suffering of unbelievers. (Unrepentance).
  4. The purpose of God. (To be worshipped by his people).

             God rescued Israel from Egypt, and God saved us from hell, with only one purpose in mind:  That we worship Him.  To worship God was Adam’s main occupation.  He enjoyed God’s sweet communion every day, until that fateful day when he took a bite out of sin (Genesis 3:8).

            Have you been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lamb?

            If you are a Christian, then you have been created, regenerated and justified by God.  He has done all this so that we can be free to worship him.  To worship, is to ascribe honor, reverence, tribute, devotion and worth to God.

            When we worship our Lord, we are fulfilling our purpose in life.  When we praise his holy name, we are telling God that we love him so much that we are willing to do anything to please him.  Some believers attempt to serve God through various church activities, but never take time to pray and praise the Lord.  It doesn’t work this way.

            If we want to be truly useful to God, we need to worship him.  The believer, who worships God, will be able to serve Him like never before, and God will be pleased.       

            Are you a worshipper of God in spirit and truth?

           A. G.

Only One Finger (Exodus 8)   

           “This is the finger of God!”

            We are living in an era of technological explosion. Every day we hear of a new scientific discovery or technological breakthrough. In the medical field for example, we have seen how many “plagues” have been eradicated and we have witnessed new marvelous surgical procedures never thought possible before.

            Now the talk is about “genetic engineering,” cloning, in vitro fertilization and a host of many other dangerous experiments. But even science has its limits, and those who practice witchcraft healing also fall short of God’s power.

            There is only one God and only He is Omnipotent. God created the human mind, and endowed it with an enormous (although limited) creativity. Sometimes, mankind has gone beyond this obvious limitation and has tried to play the role of God; and every time they have failed miserably.

            Up to now, science has been unable to find a cure for cancer, Aids or HIV, multiple sclerosis, Covid 19 Alzheimer’s, diabetes, epilepsy, Parkinson’s and many others, including (believe it or not) the common cold. So far, no doctor has been able to stop the irreversible advent of death. This demonstrates, rather convincingly, that science will never be God… not even a small “god.”

            Even the powerful magicians recognized that the “finger of God” was responsible for another “impossible” miracle. They didn’t know of course, that our God specializes and operates in the realm of the impossibilities. They did not know our God.

            And to think that He only used one “finger!”

            A. G.

The God that Works in the Heart (Exodus 7) 

            “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart…”

            In his famous book, entitled “A Christmas Carol,” Charles Dickens tells us the story of Ebenezer Scrooge.  Scrooge was a brilliant businessman, who made a fortune as a money lender during a time of economic recession in England. He counted his piles of money every day, but wouldn’t share a farthing or a penny with anyone. He forced his employees to work long hours and holidays and paid them a misery.

            Scrooge was a man with a heart of stone.  He charged exorbitant interest rates, and if someone was unable to repay, he would repossess everything they owned and evicted them into the street.  In short, Scrooge was like the Pharaoh:  A man with a hardened heart.

            Ebenezer Scrooge deserved to be punished, but as the story goes, he had one final opportunity.  He was visited by three “ghosts” who showed him not only his past wickedness, but also his future condemnation.  As a result Scrooge repented and became the most tender and generous individual in that city.

            Sadly, not all stonehearted men respond positively to God’s call.  On the contrary, they harden their hearts more and more, until it is God the One who hardens their heart.

            Is this possible?  Is it true that God hardens hearts?  The answer is yes.  But God only hardens hearts that are already petrified by sin and rejection.  Those who listen to God’s voice have tender hearts, because God’s Word is the sword that broke the stone.

            Do you have a tender heart?

            A. G.

The God who Delivers (Exodus 6)        

            “…and deliver you from slavery…”

            Once upon a time, there was a little lamb that for whatever reason was separated from the rest of the flock.  Lost and confused, she went to and fro looking and screaming (or bleating, I think it’s the correct term) for her family, but was unable to find them.  Then, to make matters worse, she was surprised by the darkness of moonless night.  Now she was lost, alone and afraid.

            In the midst of her confusion, she did not notice the presence of a terrible enemy. When she heard the thunderous roar, it was too late.  She had fallen into the paws of the lion.

            The little lamb closed her eyes and bleated as loud as her small lungs allowed her.  All of the sudden she heard a loud bang, and then… silence.  When she opened her eyes again, she was in the arms of the smiling shepherd.

            Our God is a God that delivers and saves.  You and I were like the little lamb in the hands of our enemy, the devil.  We were lost, in darkness and without hope; but Jesus, the Good Shepherd heard our desperate cry and came to our rescue. Thank you, Lord, for delivering me from the paws of the enemy and from the gates of hell. I deserved (and still deserve) to be utterly destroyed for my sin, but your grace has set me free.

            This is what God did with Israel.  He promised them deliverance and he delivered.  After four hundred years of bondage in Egypt, Israel was liberated completely by the mighty hand of God.

            This is the God in which you and I trust.  How blessed we are!

            A. G.

The God Who Demands (Exodus 5)

            “Let my people go…”

            Our God is sovereign and his authority is absolute.  His domain extends from eternity to eternity; he is the only God, the ruler of the universe.  The Lord who created the heavens and the earth, also created us for Himself.

            For this reason, God has control of our destinies.  He gave us life, and he can take it away, for everything belongs to him; and who shall oppose his eternal counsel?  God can demand anything from us, just because he is our Maker and our Master.  He saved us through pure grace and he sustains us physically and spiritually every day.

            God can demand respect, honor and complete obedience, because we were bought with the precious blood of Jesus.  We belong to God for he made from dust and because he saved us from eternal death in hell.  He said through Moses:

            “Let MY people go.”

            What does God demand from us?  He wants our best at all times.  He must reign supreme over us, having the preeminence over ourselves, our families, our dreams and desires.  In short, he is our King, and as such, no one or nothing must ever attempt to occupy his special place in our hearts.

            Our God, however, is not one to impose himself upon our wills using brute force. That tactic is used often by our adversary, but God delights when Christians submit themselves freely and willingly to his irresistible love and his amazing grace. A true disciple is one who offers his best to the Lord, and obeys him in everything.                                

            Are you a disciple of the King?

            A. G.