Locked In

               A few days ago, I had a really weird experience: I was locked in in my own barn. I have been locked out my house several times before, but never locked in.

              As a teacher, I have taken part of several “Lock In” or “Lock Down” drills in our school. At the sound of the alarm, teachers must turn off the lights, barricade the doors and sit on the floor with the students and out of sight. Hopefully, we will never have to take part of in a real Lock In, when armed intruders invade our campus.

              As a youth leader, I also enjoyed a few nights together with the group. It was a lot of fun to be up all night playing games, talking, praying, studying the Word and goofing off a little bit. This is the kind of “Lock In” I love. Being trapped in my shed or barn, however, is not one of my favorite experiences. 

              I was busy inflating a tire, while all of a sudden, the door closed with a loud bang. I tried to get out, but the latch was firmly attached. I started screaming my wife’s name, but no one came to my rescue. The seconds turned into minutes, and the minutes seemed to last like hours. It was a real life horror movie. I started praying and banging on the walls until she finally came (thank God) and opened the latch.

             Have you ever felt trapped like this? I think about the people that were trapped in Mexico City during the earthquake a few weeks ago. It must be horrible to be locked in under the rubbles, but it is worse by far to be a prisoner or our own emotions and thoughts.

             Elijah felt like this after he was told that Jezebel wanted to kill him. He prayed:

               “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” (1 Kings 19:1-4).

             This is the prayer of someone that is locked in, in a “room” of despair and depression. This same kind of prayer was uttered by another prophet.

              “Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!”  (Jonah 4:3).

              I have been “Locked In”  in this manner more times times than I can remember, but God has delivered me from them. 

             The book of Psalms is compilation of songs and prayers for deliverance. All the psalmists were locked in at one time or another, but the grace of God came to their rescue again and again.

              If you are locked in today, call on Jesus. He has promised  that if you, 

              “knock…it will be opened to you. For everyone…who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7, 8)

             Alexander Gonzalez


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