Fire of God (Leviticus 6)


“…while the fire on the altar shall be kept burning.”

Fire is a wonderful and amazing thing.  It can be negative and deadly because it burns and destroys.  Fire is one of the most distinctive features of hell, and has burned or killed countless individuals.

On the other hand, fire can be very positive, even beneficial.  People have used fire through the ages to cook, to illuminate their homes and as a great source of heat.  Fire was also used in the altar of the tabernacle to burn the sacrifices to the Lord.

Furthermore there is a special “fire” that burns brightly in the heart of dedicated believers. This is what happened to the two disciples at Emmaus as they spent time with Jesus and listened to his words (Luke 24:32).  Unfortunately not all Christians know about this fire, and many do not even want to know it or experience it. Perhaps they are aware or afraid of the so-called “dangerous” consequences of being on fire for God.

This is the unique fire of revival that the Holy Spirit brings to open and willing hearts.   This fire prompts us to live by faith; to endure our tribulations; and most importantly, to share the Gospel.

This is the same kind of fire that Moses saw on the mountain (Exodus 3:2).  Its flames blaze in our hearts, but it does not consume us.  This fire inflames our soul with a passion to love God, our brethren and the lost world.

Finally this fire must burn continually in our hearts forever.  To accomplish this vital objective, we must feed this fire daily with “logs” of Bible study and with sacrifices of prayer and praise.

A. G.

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