Prince of Peace (Leviticus 7)


“…sacrifice of offering of well being.”

When Christ died on the cross, he fulfilled in his death, the law of the sacrifice of the offering of well being or peace.  He presented himself before God in the altar of Calvary, as a perfect sacrifice: He was offered as “unleavened bread,” that is as a sinless and blameless man.

On the other hand Jesus also presented himself as leavened bread, as required by the same law.  This typifies that even though Jesus was completely perfect, God placed upon him the enormous burden of all the sins of the world.  How would we explain this apparent dichotomy?

This is a great mystery.  Jesus was, is, and forever will be, perfect and void of sin.  He is the Son of man and the Son of God.  Christ is all-God and all-man at the same time.  As God, he was (and is) glorious, eternal and omnipotent.  As man he was perfect in all his ways and submitted to the will of the Father.

At the cross of Calvary, Jesus died as the sacrifice for our eternal well being.  He paid the full penalty of our sins and made peace between God and humanity.  Now he offers this everlasting peace to those who dare believe in Him.

Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

No, Jesus never sinned, nor did he become a sinner at Calvary.  He suffered on the cross the “hell” that we deserve.  He overcame sin and death, and his name is the “Prince of Peace.”

Jesus is the real Prince that came to rescue us and set us free forever!

A. G.

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