God’s Camp (Numbers 33)


“They set out…and camped”

The Christian life can be compared to alpinism.  Alpinism is also known as the art of mountain climbing that was developed in the Alps in Europe and in other mountains of the world.

To be an alpinist you must be skilled, courageous and patient, for no one can climb a tall mountain in a day.  When a group of mountain climbers attempt to scale a high peak, they are conscious that their mission will take lots of preparation, effort and TIME.

The mountain climbing process is long and tedious at times.  It is a step by step, rock by rock, odyssey.  They begin very early in the morning, weather permitting and camp in the evening.  This time at camp could very well be the most important of all, for there they rest, eat, heal their wounds, and plan the next day’s project.

The Israelites understood the concept of camping every day.  They were not scaling a mountain, but they were traveling an unfriendly wilderness.  They learned about patience and trust as they walked for forty years in the Middle East desert.

In Hebrews 12:1, we are instructed to run with patience or “perseverance.”  The Christian life (or race) is a marathon, not a one hundred meters dash.

Every day is an adventure with God.  We can walk with him, but remember that our road is hard and narrow (Matthew 7:13).  It is necessary then, to “camp” with God to receive new strength.  Tomorrow is another opportunity to climb mountains with Jesus, but today…we are resting in His camp.

A. G.

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