Out of the (Prayer) Closet

                We are living in a very “tolerant” and open era. Nowadays, many people are encouraged to “come out of the closet” and display their immorality for all to see. Oh, how proud they are! In fact, the LGBT (I think I’m missing a few letters) community celebrate their sinful lifestyle with parades and festivities known as “Pride Days.”

                In addition to all this, the liberal media portrays these individuals as victims and heroes through movies, TV shows, the printed media and the news. They also compare their “liberation” to the struggles and victories of the Civil Rights Movement. So, if anyone speaks against homosexuals and the rest of that community, it is now considered a “hate crime.”

                The homosexuals lived a secret life in their closets for many years. No one knew about their sin because it was considered taboo by society, but now we can see many coming out of their closets like a plague of rats and cockroaches escaping from an old house.  

                My question to you is:

                When are we Christians going to come out of our prayer closets?

                The Bible admonishes us to pray to our God in secret. We can pray in public during congregational prayer, but for the most part our prayer life must be conducted in private. This is our time with our God. We must go into our prayer closet or room and pour our hearts before the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 6:6,

                “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place”

                Yes brothers and sisters, we must go IN our closets to pray every day, but we also need to get OUT to proclaim the Good News to the world. Moses went into Mount Sinai and spent many days in sweet communion with the Lord, but then he came down to bring God’s Word (the Law) to his people. You and I must pray to our God and preach to this world. Don’t get so comfortable in your “closet” with Jesus that you don’t want to share Him with others.

Alexander Gonzalez

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