Going Places (Leviticus 26)

            “…and made you walk erect.”

            If someone would ask us about our past, most of us would probably hide our faces in fear and shame.  Our past is probably filled with sinful acts and evil thoughts.  To retrace our steps and relive it again…well is just too painful.

            Positive attitude books attempt to make us cheerful and always positive “winners.”  They advise the reader to smile and to walk erect; to give the impression that we are “going places.”

            Christians must not follow this humanistic approach to success, for we really have a purpose for living.  Jesus forgave all of our past and lifted us from our shameful bondage.  He has also lifted up our faces and made us walk erect, that is without guilt or shame.

            Paul said:  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel.” (Romans 1:16).  There is no reason for a Christian to feel shame about his/her past and even less about Christ.  Yes, there will be those who will mock and ridicule your faith, but that is perhaps all they can do against us.  We are citizens of Heaven, children of the King and ambassadors of the Living God.

            What can ridicule, poverty, tests and a shameful past do to us?

            They can do absolutely nothing.  Jesus has made us walk erect and upright because we are really going places: To a wonderful place called heaven.  Do not let your past rob your joy and victory in Jesus.  There is no one in this world more successful than a Christian, because God has given us a brand new start and the brightest future.

             A. G.

  The Relative (Leviticus 25)

            “…anyone of their family…may redeem them…”

The year of Jubilee was indeed a blessing from God to his people.  Every fifty years all the slaves were set free and the poor could return to their repossessed homes.  It was truly a year of jubilation and celebration!

If someone could not or didn’t wish to wait that long to be free or to recover their property, they had another option:  Redemption.  To redeem was to pay the full price for freedom or any debt.  If the person could not afford his own redemption, someone from his family had the right under the Law, to redeem and set him free.

Christ is our closest Relative.  He redeemed us when we were slaves to sin and our souls belonged to (or were controlled by) the devil.  We inherited a life of misery from our “uncle” Adam and later on we sold ourselves to a sinful lifestyle.

The saddest part of this dilemma is that the human race couldn’t afford their own redemption from sin and death.  There is not enough money in the universe to pay for our freedom and our best works failed to impress God.

But thanks be to God that Jesus chose to be our Relative!  He became like us in order to rescue a fallen and sinful race in our darkest hour.  He did not bring money or treasures from heaven to pay our insurmountable debt.  He paid our eternal debt with his own blood.

Brethren we are not alone in this world.  We have a Celestial Relative who saved us, and gave us a reason to live.  One day, when we enter through Eternity’s gates we shall see Christ, our Eternal Relative…and we will praise Him forever.

A. G.

Beaten by God (Leviticus 24)

            “…to bring you pure oil of beaten olives…”

            Sometimes I have asked God, or myself why are there so many tests in my life.   When everything seems to be marching right along, I am visited again by a calamity or by some incomprehensible incident.

            Some of these tests seemed unbearable at that time, but we have survived, and hopefully become better (or better equipped) Christians.  The old adage has been materialized through the pain:  “Before God can use somebody, he has to ‘break’ him.”

            Biblical examples abound.  Moses was “burned” in the dessert of Midiam for forty years before becoming the deliverer.  Paul was blinded by Jesus on the road to Damascus, and Peter “betrayed” Jesus three times before he became an apostle of God.

            We would like to think (or dream) that God does not operate in this way anymore, that he has a “softer” or more relaxed approach to make us useful disciples.  From my own experience, I can testify that God works extremely hard to break our pride and vanity before he begins to decide if he wants to use  us or not.

            If I would ask today, who enjoys being broken or beaten by God, not many would respond affirmatively.  This is a painful process in which God “beats the old life out of us” to extract our best, and at the same time the Holy Spirit begins to really shine in us through our circumstances.

            The Israelites would beat the poor olives to withdraw pure oil.  God uses the tests and trials of life to beat our ego into oblivion.  His goal is for us to become transparent vessels through which Christ can be clearly seen. 

             Do you still want to be used by God?

             A. G.

Party Days (Leviticus 23)

             “…a holy convocation…the appointed feasts…”

            Everybody loves holidays, feasts and parties.  Birthday celebrations are always welcome, no matter how old we are and we also celebrate anniversaries, graduations and a host of other festive occasions.

            Believers in Christ are no strangers to parties and celebrations.  We rejoice during Holy Week (some call it “Easter,” I don’t know why), Thanksgiving and Nativity, also known as “Christmas.”

            These Christian feasts produce in us a mixture of sadness and joy at the same time.  We experience great sadness because Jesus endured great pains and utmost suffering on our behalf.  We are also overcome with pure and unadulterated joy, for the simple reason that Jesus was triumphant over sin, death and hell; and because his victory, is our victory.

            In these feasts or holidays we must praise the Lord with gladness in our hearts; not merely satisfy our carnal appetites with food and drinks.  These are “solemn” feasts designed to exalt the name of God for his love and goodness.

            These holidays should be called “Holy Days,” for they are a “Holy Convocation” to come before God in holiness and humility.   Remember this when you are preparing a banquet on Thanksgiving or buying a gift during the Nativity season.

            The good news is that we do not have to wait for the holidays to come.  Every day is a gift of God, so let’s have a party with the Lord!  Today is a Holy Day to celebrate who Christ is and what he has done for us!

             A. G.

 Sacred Food (Leviticus 22)

            “No lay person shall eat of the sacred…”

A priest’s food was sacred; it was to be eaten only by him and those in his household and only within the temple’s confines.  No lay person was allowed to even touch that food.

A Christian’s food is also sacred.  We feed on the holy Word of God; which is more potent and balanced than the most nutritious breakfast.  In the Bible we find vitamins for the soul and protein for our spirits.

God’s Word, however, is not a magical book, but it is full of divine power.  When we read the word, we are receiving a transfusion of spiritual strength and wisdom; we are connected with the Lord of the universe!

Christ said:  “Do not throw pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6).  He meant that many people are like spiritual pigs that cannot understand or even appreciate the eternal value of God’s word.  These “pigs” are unbelievers who are spiritually dead and cannot grasp the simplicity or “foolishness” (as they call it) of the Gospel.

Beloved, you can understand the Word of God and you must feed on it every day for the rest of your life.  The Holy Spirit is in you, and He will illuminate your mind as you read the Word, so you can fully comprehend what God is communicating to you.  He will also remind you of what has already been learned.

Therefore when you open the Bible, first open your mind and heart to God.  Come with a spirit of humility and a desire to hear from God and obey what he says.  He will feed you personally; He will give you exactly what you need.

A. G.