“You Can Do It” (Numbers 3)

            “…doing service at the tabernacle;”

            In our churches there are many different ministries, but very few ministers.  A minister is not a title given to a “reverend” or pastor; it is rather a word that means being or acting like a servant.

            The most important factor about Christian ministry is that there is enough room for all to minister or serve.  In large, mega churches there are dozens of ministries or departments dealing with children and youth; men and women; singles and married couples and every other age and interest group possible.  Are you serving in any ministry?

            There is no excuse for those who refuse to serve.  There are complex ministries that require college training, but for the most part, all that is required is a willing disposition and a humble attitude.

            Every Christian has at least one divine gift to offer to the church.  There are not better or “holier” gifts than the one you possess but, are you using it for God’s glory?

            We need to serve God with love, gladness and submission.  Therefore our motives need to be aligned with God’s will for our lives.  Some people serve to be “seen” or to feel good about themselves, and this is not what God expects.  We serve God regardless of the results, and not expecting applause from any human.

            Our service to God is for God, and it is a ministry.  Consequently we are ministers who work for God’s glory in favor of humanity.  Use your gifts; use them for God; and use them for his glory.

             A. G.

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