Blood Bath (Exodus 12)     

            “The blood shall be a sign for you…”

            A child and his faithful dog were traveling through the woods one Saturday afternoon.  They were so happy together!  Suddenly they were attacked by a ferocious wolf, and “Milo,” his dog, jumped in front of the boy to save him.

            Milo fought bravely for an hour, but his courage and love for the boy weren’t enough to defeat the hungry beast.  The boy witnessed terrified, how the wolf devoured his faithful companion, while the blood was splashing all over his trembling body.

            Running for his life, the little boy reached home breathless and bloodstained.

            “What happened?” Screamed the mother.  “Why are you drenched in blood?”

            The boy explained to his mother that the blood belonged to Milo, who had died fighting the wolf.  That blood was a visible sign, that the boy’s life had been spared because somebody else (the dog), had died in his place.

            When Moses told the Israelites to “paint” the doorposts and the lintel of their houses with the blood of a “perfect” lamb, he was foreshadowing the future salvation of the people of God.

            The lamb who died to provide the “saving” blood, typifies Jesus, the Lamb of God, who died for our sins;  and the blood on both sides of the door, reminds us of the cross of Calvary where Jesus hung to save us from hell.

            The blood saved those who were inside the house and under the protection of the blood. If you want to be saved, you must come to the cross to be cleansed by His blood.

           Have you taken your blood bath yet?

           A. G.

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