“Fatal Attraction”

                Many years ago I had the profound displeasure of watching in the infamous movie “Fatal Attraction.” The plot of this movie is simple, sinful and sad; and yet it contains a powerful message to all married couples: The “greener” grass we seek is actually Poison Ivy.

                Beach balls—in a lesser degree—also hold a dangerous attraction over young children. I remember almost drowning when I was a young child, pursuing a capricious beach ball deep into the ocean. I was so captivated by this colorful ball, that I lost track of time and space. When I finally heard my mom yelling my name frantically, I turned around and suddenly realized that I didn’t know how to swim and descended rapidly to the bottom of the ocean before I was miraculously rescued by my uncle.

                Temptation is always a fatal attraction. We run after it like little children following a bouncing ball into a street bursting with dangerous traffic. How many kids have perished in this manner! How many believers fall into the same trap over and over!

                James recognized the fatal attraction of temptation when he said:

                But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”                    (James 1:14-15).

                There are many other attractions in this life that, although they may not prove to be fatal or destructive, they become a pesky distraction to our Christian walk with Jesus. These things may not be sinful in themselves, but if they turn into a constant distraction, they will eventually lead us astray into darker and more dangerous paths.

                We are the sheep and Christ is our only Shepherd. As you know, sheep are not very strong or smart and they have a tendency to deviate from the right path. We must be wary of every “attraction” that is a potential distraction which could lead to destruction.

                How can we avoid this danger? In the words of the apostle,

                 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” (John 10:27-28)

                Brother and sister, get closer to Jesus, so close that you can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd calling us to follow Him today. There is joy, life, power and many blessings for those of us who walk close to Jesus. There is no better or sweeter sound than the sound of His tender and loving voice.

                Let us also fix our eyes on Him (Hebrew 12:2) and set our minds on those “things above” (Colossians 3:1). We need to be focused and alert to avoid any and all attractions, distractions and temptations.

                A. G.

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